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Novice (1/7)



  1. Is there a way to create a Garbage Matte in Videopad? Has a third party created a plugin? or is there a workaround? If not, this would be a great option to add to the Green Screen effect.
  2. I have the same issue. "Save Project File As" no longer remembers the File Name OR the Path. I Have to navigate from the root folder, to the Project FOlder, and then rename the VPJ file. I like to save multiple versions of my files (Project 01, Project 02, etc.) so this is a time sink. Please restore the old behavior (Or allow the user to select a target project folder on a project basis.)
  3. I'r been using Videopad awhile now, and like it. However, there is one feature I find extremely annoying, and that is ripple editing in a sequence. It seems to be the default behavior, and I can't figure a way to shut it off. I'm timing Audio to Video, so this is critical. For example: - I have an overlay with a clip from 1:00 to 1:20. - I have another clip on the overlay at 1:40, with no clip in between. - I want to extend or trim the first clip When I try to do that, the clip at 1:40 moves with the first (whether I trim or extend). I want the clip at 1:40 to stay where it is. How do I turn off, or work around, that behavior?
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