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Posts posted by Trapeze4me

  1. I have a new Windows 10 PC.  I downloaded the only file I can find on the site, essetup.exe, and when I run it, I get the message:


    This app can't run on your PC

    To find a version for your PC, check with the software publisher


    I was working with Express Scribe on my old Windows XP PC.  I upgraded to the Pro version, but the only file I can download is essetup.exe and it won't run on my Windows 10 PC.  Does anyone have any suggestions?


    Thank you

  2. Hello again,


    I found a solution for playing previously non-playable .DSS files on my Windows ME computer.


    I followed the suggestions from "milkduds" in the post of 11/24/2008 titled "Express Scribe and .dss files - resolved??" Thank you milkduds!!!!


    The short version is:

    Load the .DSS file into a trial version of PowerPlayer, but don't actually play the file.

    Tell PowerPlayer that you are done with the file by clicking "Typed."

    PowerPlayer will convert the "Typed" file into a .Wav file that can be played by ES.


    Step by Step:


    Download the Trial Version of ECS PowerPlayer at


    and install it.


    Double Click to run PowerPlayer


    Do this the first time you run Power Player:

    Click "Set" (Settings)

    In General, put a checkmark next to Typed Files.

    Put a dot next to Move (so the Typed Files are moved).

    If desired, select a Directory for the Typed Files to be moved to.



    To convert a .DSS file to a .WAV file that can be played by Express Scribe:

    From the PowerPlayer main screen, clck Open

    Change File Types to "All Audio Types" so you can see the .DSS files

    Select the file you want, click Open

    Wait as the file is being "processed."


    Click "Typed." This tells PowerPlayer that the file has been typed. The file will be renamed to temp.wav and be placed in the directory chosen above during the Settings process.


    Express Scribe should be able to play the WAV file.



    I hope this helps anyone who has been struggling to get certain .DSS files to play. Thank you milkduds for pointing me in this direction.



  3. Are you able to install the Philips software on the Windows ME computer? That may install the CELP codec for you, allowing you to open the converted WAV files in Scribe.


    I tried loading the Philips software onto the Windows ME computer thinking the same thing you did, that the software would also load the codec, but alas the Philips software won't install with ME. I spent the day downloading codecs from free-codecs.com onto the Win ME computer but nothing has worked so far. Thanks for the idea though. I am hopeful that a solution will be found for this!



  4. Hello,


    I also cannot get DSS files to play with Express Scribe on one computer -- the one that has Windows ME. The same DSS files play just fine on my Windows XP computer. The files display but won't load, they look like they have 00:00 duration.


    Twice I have had a DSS file not load on my Windows XP computer. When that happened, I was able to use Philips Speech Exec Software (came with the recorder) to convert the file to a WAV file and Express Scribe was able to load and play the WAV file on the Windows XP computer. Unfortunately, the Windows ME computer cannot play that WAV file, it says it does not have the right codec. I have tried opening the WAV file with Windows Media Player, but it gives the error message "Class Not Registered."


    Can I convert the DSS file to another format that CAN be read by Express Scribe on my Windows ME computer? If so, what software can accomplish this?


    Or, is there a site that has the codec I need so the WAV file can be played in Express Scribe? During conversion from DSS to WAV, my only choice is "Philips CELP."


    Does anyone have any other suggestions on how to play the files on my Windows ME computer? The ME computer is my little laptop and I would love to be able to make my work more "portable."





  5. Also, please add this to the problem list with v4.12:


    When you press F7 for rewind or F8 for fast forward, the ES screen comes up (if minimized).

    I have to press F6 to minimize each time I rewind.

    Also, taking my finger off F7 doesn't always stop the rewind (intermittent, sometimes it does).


    Thank you for fixing the Assign Hot Key problem from v4.11. I hope you can fix the rewind issue too!

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