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Posts posted by dsky313

  1. I am on v.16.14 and have a 4.5h video to edit, I did videos of such length before on versions from years ago and didnt encounter such a problem.
    Ended up splitting the video into 5 parts of ~1h each, problem is the software is still very slow and barely 10 minutes in the cache is taking up 120 gigs. Video is 1920x1080 so not a problem of an ungodly res. Never encountered that before.
    I am on the 64bit version. Any more info needed leave a comment.

  2. Hey so I want to insert a clip (screenshot to be exact) between two other clips
    As shown in this gif, only the clips in video track 1 and audio track 1 move forward when the clip is inserted, because they're grouped
    however every other clip (those in Video Track 2 and Audio Track 2, which are not grouped) stay in the same spot after the clip is added
    apart from grouping every clip together, which can be a bit tedious, is there a way around this? if im not mistaken, in certain older versions of the software, when a clip was inserted the same way, every single other clip moved forward, grouped or not

  3. Yep the shift + click selection and then moving the clips and creating a gap for the inserted clip seems to work. Though sometimes, if the timeline is zoomed in and the red marker is not visible, pressing Shift will cause the marker to move forward, and create this "blue area" for selection like so. The times where it moves were when I pressed the key. Is that intended?

  4. When trying to apply a transition between two clips, the clips are made overlap with each other

    Video clip transitioning is set to "Ask me", but I'm given no prompt.

    Attempted a reinstall, didn't help.

    Here's a video that shows what happens
    Edit: I've noticed that those freezes only occur in the rendered video when "Fade through white" is used, in clips where I used a "Cross Fade", "Blur" and "Fade through Black" transition, the clips change smoothly.

  5. When I click "Previous frame" right under the sequence preview, it takes me way far back in the video to a random spot on the timeline/start of it. Can't necessarily provide a demonstration, cause it appears to be random, or I'm just missing something. Basically I click the option and it takes me to the start of the timeline like this. Yes, I'm sure I'm not clicking the wrong button 

  6. When adding a file with two audio tracks (game footage with split audio, one is for ingame audio, one is for microphone), when I go to choose the "Stream 1" option, both video and audio are added. When I try to add the file with the mic audio (stream 2), only the video preview is added, no audio whatsoever. I've checked with an mp4 file that I worked on previously, the issue appeared on that one too. Worked without any problems before. 

    Tried reinstalling, deleting the "Components" stuff and clearing cache, nothing

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