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Pat Ferguson

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Posts posted by Pat Ferguson

  1. I was wondering if there was a way to add flickering to a video. Previously, I have gone through and cut the clip(s) and taken out frames at certain intervals but was wondering if there was an easier way to do this?

    Thank you much, 


  2. I am editing a video with multiple moving green screens and am doing a lot of masking. The final product is in black in white. The problem is working with all the masks and layering the black and white filter.

    Is there a way to edit the video and then export in black and white?

    - Pat 

  3. I imported a MOV file. After multiple attempts, the audio on the file will play but nothing on the video (just black). The MOV file plays fine on Windows Media Player and other platforms. Is there something in the settings or file format? Other MOV files play just fine. I converted the video to MP4 and still the same, all black. 

    (I am running the most-recent version of Videopad Editor Professional as of 3/30/2021) 

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