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Everything posted by RBV

  1. I have a purchased copy of Mixpad on my desktop, which my husband uses to work from home while I'm at school. I put a trial version on our laptop so I could work on audio at school, or while he was working on the desktop, and it was working fine. I had two completed audio mixes ready to export tonight, and three others very close to completion, all of which were saved on a jump drive so I could move them between devices. Tonight I tried to open the audio projects on the desktop, and the tracks are gone. There's nothing. It looks like they have been wiped clean. I tried using the "Clip Manager" but it didn't help. I am mixing these songs for my virtual concert, and I have spent weeks getting them ready. Is there any hope to recover them? Or do I have to start over and hope they don't get destroyed AGAIN?
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