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Everything posted by Pqs

  1. Hi! I just downloaded VideoPad and i also found this cache building. I have used Adobe Premiere Pro before, and that program never builds cache like this. I thought i should share what i have found after some reading and research on my own, that i haven't seen anyone else pointing out here. The cache has a limit for each export, project, session, sequence... Its fairly similar in size to the original file. So i.e. I had this documentary with commercial and additional 30 min overtime. Total original size: 3.77 GB. The generated cache: 3:71 GB. Exported final Size: 340 Mb Export time: 1h 22 min. This is useful information if you dont have a HD with 4 TB free space. I tend to ready my projects/sessions/sequences before bed, and export during the night. In other video editing programs cache has never been a problem. But VideoPad doubbles the space taken with its Cache. So i always calculate that exporting during the night will take at least the equal ammount of chache-space that the original files are, and an additional 1/7 of space for the exported files. Why VideoPad does this i have no idea since its kind of redundant to chache original files when they havnt been edited. I haven't added any effects, nor any new material. I have only deleted commercials in between a documentary.
  2. Hi! I just downloaded Video-pad and i like it this far. I have used Adobe Premiere a lot before, but its outdated and i cant for the moment afford it. And Video-Pad is very similar in its basics... However... When i export a project and or sequence, it only displays time elapsed and or the percentage completed... My question.... Is it possible in any way to enable/see the estimated export time? It would be very helpful to know how long time it takes, especially if you have a large project/session and or several sequences in the export que. Reason is you can set a timer when to come back to the computer and do other things, or set a limited amount of exports during the night. If this isnt possible i strongly recommend that you add this. Exporting for now is more or less a feeling of being blind and out of control. Thanks in advance!
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