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emanuele lombardi

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Everything posted by emanuele lombardi

  1. The alphabet is Italian, the version of VideoPad is 8.53 In the string there were some accented words, but the problem persists even after I deleted them. Now the text string is the following (without ") "Siamo a S.Lorenzo Nuovo (VT) Questo bosco e stato donato al FFI che lo conservera senza mai tagliare alberi a scopo economico. In questo modo la natura sara sempre piu rigogliosa. Aiuta anche tu il FFI, puoi farlo anche con il 5x1000." But it stops after visualizing (right to left) "Siamo a S.Lorenzo Nuovo (VT) Questo bosco e stato donato al FFI che lo conservera senza mai tagliare alberi a scopo economico. In qu" Please note that it is displayed only half of the last "u". Thank you for your kind help.
  2. Hi, I'm using a registered copy of Video Pad professional v8.53 It seems to me that any string I add as text running from right to left is cut after its 135th character. Is it true?
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