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Everything posted by Lanyard

  1. VideoPad Professional v8.39 is what I currently have per the About page. The email with my reg code for some reason says Master. I do have one small issue where I have registered the software, but it always shows that I still need to register in the menu. Is that normal? If I click the register button it just asks me to register again (and I do) but it's always there waiting for me to do it again. Could this be keeping me from importing a video file with multiple tracks? I have followed the instructions on the previous thread to clear the cache and I have reimported the video, and I am currently waiting for it to finish processing. I still only see one audio file though. I may use a fix on the previous thread and use Audacity to split the audio files since I already have it installed. How would I ensure the integrity of the subtitle tracks?
  2. I've browsed through several threads on this issue but have been unable to solve this problem. I have an MKV with two audio tracks and two subtitle tracks. I need to chop up this video and audio so I'm using Videopad Master's Edition to do it. I need audio tracks 1 and 2 to both be preserved in their entirety so I can jump back and forth in the final piece, and I need subtitle tracks 1 and 2 to also be preserved in their entirety for the same reason. Every time I import my MKV it only gives me one audio track. I'm not really versed on how to see the subtitle tracks, but I know that only one is there due to cutting and exporting the video and realizing I only had 1 audio track and 1 subtitle track instead of 2 of each. I do not have separate audio/subtitle files for this, I only have the one fully merged MKV to work with. If I try to import the MKV a second time to add the second track, it adds another video file and the same track 1 of audio so I can't choose which one I want. I got the Master's Edition so I could use the audio tracks on these projects. How do I keep the original two audio and also the subtitle tracks? If this is not possible, are there recommendations for other programs better suited to this?
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