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Quinton Murdock

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Posts posted by Quinton Murdock

  1. thankyou for the help. Though if possible I hope we can find a fix because I am in no place to afford a license and I dont want the problem to come back with no solution

    it will download as mp4 without desync but you cannot upload mp4 to youtube. Do you have recomendations for how to get the video as a un screwed up avi?

  2. I have edited a few videos and upon review all three of them have an issue where at the start of the video audio plays half a second too early but by the end its almost 2-3 seconds until you see what you hear. The raw footage the videos were edited from has no problems. The videopad file versions of the same edited videos have no problems, but the .avi versions of the projects have the distracting sync issues that only get worse as the video goes on. 

    Video pad says its in the latest version and I want to know how to fix this issue instead of just sending the files off for someone else to fix it

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