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Everything posted by mirzatech

  1. Hey andynowlen, I found an alternate way....i still dunno why the switch software is messed up, but you could first convert your DVF audio file to WAV format from within the sony software itself. I have Sony Digital Voice Editor 2. You right-click on the DVF file saved on your hard-drive and click on change format. Save it to WAV 16-bit stereo and if you want, later convert it to MP3 using switch. otherwise WAV works fine--only mp3 could be much smaller. That's the alternate route that works.... hope that helps...!! MTECH!
  2. Hello there everyone, I just had a inquiry and am looking for some useful suggestions regarding the switch software. I have been using the software to convert DVF files to MP3 for about 6 months. Suddenly 2 days ago, when i converted a DVF file and played it in mp3 format, the sound was very screechy--by screechy i mean it was like a child reading something--you know how when a audio cassette's reel gets messed up and the sound becomes very fast and very thin--well the lecture that i converted became just like that---like a messed up reel. When i listen to the DVF file with the sony player, the sound is just normal. I DON'T KNOW WHAT GOT MESSED UP IN THE SETTINGS ALL ON ITS OWN....BUT I AM VERY FRUSTRATED. I have been trying for so long and its important i get the lecture converted ASAP. PLEASE...IF ANYONE KNOWS ANYTHING ABOUT IT...HELP ME...I APPRECIATE IT A LOT. I have tried all combinations of encoder settings but all produce the same results Even the 55 minute lecture shrinks to just 28 minutes on its own when converted to mp3 format--other wise the DVF file is fine. REQUESTING URGENT HELP FROM SOMEONE..... tHANKS!!!!!
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