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Jeff Wright

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Everything posted by Jeff Wright

  1. (1) I have already solved the problem. I received an update from NCH for WavePad, but the update did not indicate that it would require an additional fee at the expiration of the trial period. So I managed to locate the old version, I reinstalled it, and all is well now. I just wish that NCH didn't release "updates" that are going to require an additional fee. (2) Regarding your suggestion to use Google, I didn't know that Google had a sound editing program. Where did you find that?????
  2. I'm using version 10.67 of WavePad. I've received updates in the past and have had no problems with them. However, recently I tried to open WavePad and I got an error message indicating that my registration code was invalid. I used the same registration code that was assigned to me when I purchased the program last December. I went to the WavePad website and was very confused with the answers to my problem. One solution was to pay for an "upgrade." I never asked for an upgrade and I don't want an upgrade. I am perfectly happy with the program I already purchased. Then I saw another message stating that I should re-download the version that I originally downloaded last December, and was then referred to a webpage listing about 500 "older" versions -- none of which would apply to me (or at least I saw nothing!!). So, I left a message with technical support, implying that I might have to wait several days since I don't have a "contract." Does anyone have a simple answer for my problem? I purchased the program last December and paid $40.00 for it. And now it no longer opens because it doesn't like the registration code given to me when I bought the program. Your help in solving or letting me understand the problem is appreciated. Thanks, Jeff
  3. I'm new to Wavepad, so I apologize if this question is elementary. Okay, so I've precisely placed two bookmarks on my audio file. Now I would like make an exact selection between these two bookmarks so that I can delete it. Is there a way to do this?? Thanks! Jeff
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