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Everything posted by RSL

  1. Thank you for the detailed solution I will give it a go!
  2. https://1drv.ms/v/s!AhUKRNtbwBj29iY8ojkhRJuzrZNa?e=sRsJ8T here's a link to the video
  3. I have made a video but I had to crop the footage to size it correctly on the screen as it was filmed in portrait. I used the 16.9 ratio which worked well but I need to export in 1080x1920 widescreen size. When I export the video looks like a thumbnail on the screen but the text I used is full screen albeit you cannot see the outer edges of each sentence. any ideas on how to get the cropped video up to full screen size. I have tried exporting in different screen ratios but to no avail
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