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Edward H. Sebesta

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Everything posted by Edward H. Sebesta

  1. They key thing is that you need to select for the first track your aspect ratio. Otherwise anything you ad to an additional track that has a different aspect ratio will mess up your video. I know all of the above and once I knew to fix the Aspect Ratio it works. That is the critical detail missing. That is what VideoPad tutorials are about. General overview ommitting a critical detail which a person will take 90 minutes trying to figure out by trial and error.
  2. Borate, I specifically asked that you not reply to my inquires, when I made my prior inquiry. Your answer wasn't relevant and was condescending.
  3. Totally irrelevant reply. I found that instead of having "match content" for aspect ratio, I had to set a ratio that matched the first track. Then each additional item fell in place and didn't screw up the video by applying to everything else the ratios involved in its content. What was happening is that each new image was setting the aspect ratios for the previous material. This is a software where you hack your way through. I spent a lot of time watch videos and reading and looking through this forum.
  4. Tried locking the earlier tracks. Adding in the next image screws things up. Time to give up and uninstall.
  5. So I found out that locking the 2nd track forces the third track to be made when you drag down the next image. The video is still messed up as the original video track and the 2nd video track is attempted to be forced into the size of the object in the third track. Also when the next item is added in, the checkerboard isn't there around them. Even if I get the 2nd image in correctly I have to consider if everytime I have to do something for the first time it ends up being 90 minutes of hacking through the software to figure it out if it is really worth it.
  6. I got an image in overlay over my video. Everything worked find. So i went to add another image in. Followed the instructions and dragged the image in where I am supposed to drag it but a third track doesn't appear. The image appears in Track 2. Everything is screwed up. The original video is shrunk to fit the new image. It really isn't a good product when I have to be watching all sorts of videos that don't go into details and get nothing done for 40 minutes then end up in a dead stop. I would like to attach screen shots. I don't want to find some URL to put them.
  7. I know how to compare the audio levels. I need to match them. I am done with this topic.
  8. I found out that since I have WavePad, I can click on the audio track and open the track in WavePad and increase the sound and save it and the wave form will be enlarged visually. I have to do it iteratively to get a match, but it will work. I will probably use Movie Maker instead since VideoPad/WavePad doesn't offer any advantage over Movie Maker but is more complex to use. It seems that I will have to just hack through VideoPad since the tutorials are basically not really that informative. I did look at your method and I did see the blue line. Doesn't tell me really how much the wave forms are amplified. I appreciate this though. I did purchase the silver support plan. You can't send in screen capture and you get back word fragements. So that is money wasted. Normalize doesn't seem to have anything to do with what I want to do. Matching the sound levels of two clips, doing it with some visual representation so you can visually match, would be a basic need. These video editors have too many bells and whistles of video effects and a lack of basics. I have been downloading and testing software. I think I just need to sign up with Adobe or one of the more expensive packages.
  9. Unfortunately I can't attach a picture which would make clear the question I am answering quickly. I have two clips. The sound levels of one is much higher than another. I want to match them. So I put them in the video track and the audio track shows very clearly that one is louder than the other. So I select the quieter one and pick audio effects and open the box and select the amplification. There doesn't seem to be a way to apply the amplification and see the result on the wave form representation. I have gone through the video tutorials and they show opening the effects box, but no place do they show where you then apply the audio amplication. People do have to match audio intensity. I don't want to iteratively open one of the clips, ampllfy and then compare and see if I guessed right. Surely there is a way to apply the amplification and see the result.
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