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Rob Bob Dave

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Posts posted by Rob Bob Dave

  1. Nat: I have had to use the multi lines of text as you indicated in order to time the text with the audio file. Some tunes the chorus and the verse are of different cadence and do require being separate to scroll at different speeds.. 

    However if you had a tune with 50 lines...

  2. I have a link for a portable project for you:


    What I have done is used a current project. The original cropping, scaling, etc is the left half of the screen. On the right I have not cropped the text but put a transparency scaled and cropped of the background to show the differences and similarities of both options to create the similar end result.

    As you can see, the text scrolling has to exit at the top of the screen in order for the video to finish. This causes, in this video, approximately 25 seconds beyond the end of the musical selection.

    Anyhow, I have found that if I add informative (credits) at the end where this occurs, I can hide the delay somewhat. But it would be nicer if there was some way to define a window that is user sizeable. 

  3. Borate: working on it...

    Nat: Actually, I was layering as you indicated but found that cropping the text is simpler. The problem lies in the fact that either way only hides the area that the text is excluded from. I have found that cropping the text does exactly what layering (as you indicated) does. The problem is the "window" remains the size of the screen and cropping or layering only hides the scrolling text. With the text cropped to a window at the bottom of the screen, the text still has to scroll (invisibly) off the top of the screen to end the sequence. So to have the last line of text display at the end of the musical selection, the scrolling text sequence has to extend beyond the musical selection for the amount of time it takes for the last line to scroll from the visible area, off the top of the screen. This also depends on the scroll speed which can cause it be 30 seconds or more, even a minute beyond the end of the music. I need to create a defined window that is the size of the text area (width = screen, height = four lines (Crop y1=75 ) for the text to scroll in.

  4. I am building "sing along videos" from original music, adding a static background image, and vertical scrolling lyrics (text) at the bottom of the screen. I have limited the "visible" text to four lines at the bottom of the screen using crop. Visually this is working, however, because of the nature of the text image, the last line of text has to scroll off the top of the screen to end the sequence. This causes an unwanted length of time after the audio file has finished where (visibly) nothing is happening. 

    Is there a way to specify the size of a window for the text to scroll in without resizing the text in it? Crop only limits the "viewable" area. Scale messes with the text size. I am looking for something similar to "picture in picture".

    Please don't suggest horizontal scrolling text. Timing it with the audio file is an absolute nightmare.

  5. I have put together a video in avi format and mp4 format with different photos of different resolutions using ver 7.11.

    For the export settings for mp4, I have selected the 720p preset and left everything else to default.

    For the export settings for avi, I have selected file format AVI and resolution 720p

    The text problem seems to have been solved, however, some of the photos do not scale correctly (using preset 4:3 to 16:9). There is also a similar right side cutoff with the pan and zoom feature. 

    portable project : https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ofa3LwB0XRd2KoRspKzLdC1jA8tCFoC7

    completed 720p avi : https://drive.google.com/open?id=15vhIz6lxwEvFE20_acZ0u7PWejQ7HneQ

    completed 720p mp4 : https://drive.google.com/open?id=1RYyRz-w0HUY0yL6VnasoCAQZqZMUnQBw

  6. Apologies for not getting this up sooner. This video was probably not the best choice, as the text fit in the video copies that are missing the sides.

    I believe this example of the same video, is exported from v7.00, but it is full screen before I began having the problem with the sides being cut off.

    It also shows the smear or bleed problem I had before updating to v7.10.


    Yes the album cover resolution is not the best. It was copied from the site I got the lyrics from.

  7. The following are my computer specs and the VideoPad settings and export parameters I am using.

    Windows 7 Home Premium (x64) Service Pack 1 (build 7601.24443)

    Acer Aspire 5100 V3.13

    2.20 gigahertz AMD Turion 64 MK-38
    512 kilobyte primary memory cache
    64-bit ready

    3840 Megabytes Usable Installed Memory

    ATI Radeon Xpress 1100 [Display adapter]


    VideoPad Options:



    Show dual previews 

    Preview format,

    Width 512,

    Height 288,

    Preset 512x288 (16:9)

    Frame Rate 29.970

    360 Preview FOV: 90

    Show custom tab – not selected

    Show welcome dialog – selected



    Export File Settings:

    file name – user defined

    save to folder – user defined

    Preset – HD 1080p (or 720p) 16:9

    file format – mp4


    Default quality/file size:



    Compressor – H264

    video quality/bitrate – default

    lossless – auto detect



    compressor – AAC

    preferred channel numbers – same as input

    audio quality/bitrate - 320kbps


    Resolution: 1920 x 1080 – 1080p HD (or 720p) 16:9

    Widescreen fit letterbox (default)

    frame rate 29.97 fps



    Originally I began using v7.00 and registered with that version.

    The problem I had with v7.00 was text smear or bleed (for lack of the correct term) where the scrolling text (vertical from bottom to top) left trails which interfered with the following text, making it extremely difficult to read. I was working with tech support to correct this problem.

    I upgraded to v7.04 which began looping when previewing. About 5 seconds continuous loop at random intervals. I reinstalled v7.00.

    I upgraded to v7.10 when it became available, and this version corrected most of the text bleed problem and the preview did not loop. Still working with tech support to correct this. Tried 720p export and adjusted the preview from 1080p to 512 x 288 (16:9) and these changes seemed to correct the bleeding problem. After researching for the best all around file format for export for TV, I decided to try AVI format. This is when the export screen cutoff problem started. I upgraded to v7.11 and the text smear/bleed began again and did not solve the export problem. I decided to re-install v7.00 thinking it may be something set in the app startup parameters that was causing the export problem, and reverting back to a prior version might clear it. Knowing I had a problem with v7.00 I also upgraded after to v7.10 as I had found it to be the most reliable version. Unfortunately, the export problem still exists.


  8. I have created new projects using only a single jpg image in a 10 second exported video.

    The clip/sequence preview I am using is 512 x 288 (16:9)

    The jpg image resolution is 2560 x 1920

    The export settings are 720p, mp4, 29.97fps

    I have tried the following:

    No crop, scale, or zoom  Results are; the complete image with black bars on both sides as expected, in the clip preview, sequence preview, and exported video.

    Scale preset 4:3 to 16:9 (H ratio 1.34 V ratio  1.34) The clip preview and sequence preview shows the image filling the screens. The exported video has exactly the same black bars as "no crop, scale, or zoom" video. The difference is the image. The image is missing a portion of both sides (black bars). If the sides were not missing, the image would fill the screen completely.

    Zoom to 16:9 restraints (X1 13, Y1 13, X2 87, Y2 87) The clip preview shows the zoomed image. Sequence preview shows the image filling the screen. The exported video has exactly the same black bars as "no crop, scale, or zoom" and "scale" videos. The export results are the same as "scale", sides missing, etc.

    Crop to 16:9 restraints (X1 13, Y1 13, X2 87, Y2 87) The clip preview shows the cropped image. Sequence preview shows the image with black bars on all four sides. The exported video has the same black bars on all sides as the previews (clip and sequence). 

    Originally I was using v7.00 and v7.10, cropping, then exporting as mp4, and either 1080p or 720p. I was getting full screen output. After I tried outputting as avi, the export problem began. I have tried re-installing v7.00 and then updating to v7.10 hoping to reset whatever I accidentally set when trying to export as avi. Unfortunately, this did not work.

  9. I am sorry, it seems I am not posing the problem clearly, but I do thank you for all your help and information, it has made editing easier.

    The problem is not the building of the video, it is the export. The exported file is not being created as I would like it.

    I am choosing the editor selections and resolution to match what should be the exported video so I can edit and see how it should look before export.

    The exported video has about 12 % of the video cut off from each side. The video is not shrunk. The original background is not distorted in any way except for having both sides missing about 12%. The exported file properties indicate it is HD 1080p (1920 x 1080) and it does fill the screen, but both sides are missing about 12 % of the completed video which includes the scrolling text - IF it extends into the missing 12% areas. I have tried exporting at Hd 1080p and 720p and it does not make any difference. What I end up with LOOKS like a 4:3 picture with black bars on each side, however, the exported file properties indicate 16:9 resolution (either 720p or 1080p) .

    This problem began after exporting as an AVI file format, and it refuses to reverse to the original full screen export as MP4 or AVI.

    I have even tried re-creating a video from the beginning to see if it is something that is saved in the project file. This did not correct the export problem.

    I have checked VP settings and cannot find any setting that would cause this.

  10. First let me define what I am working on;

    Creating "sing along" videos using original music with scrolling lyrics and a photo for background, setting the video size to fill the screen of a wide screen tv. This is to help a family member regain their ability to speak after suffering a severe stroke. 

    I seem to be missing something here (besides my mind), let me go through what I have done to hopefully help clarify.

    I have set the sequence preview to 16:9 (512 x 288) to view the project in the resolution (16:9) that I would export it in.

    I had scaled the background image to fill the sequence preview screen, and have tried Borate's solution of scale 4:3 to 16:9. Surprisingly, I was scaling the same as the preset (by accident).
    I do realise that my background images are not of the correct size. I was under the impression that scaling them, basically resizing so as not to distort the image, the parts of the image that have been resized off the sequence preview screen are discarded and are of no consequence. The exported video height is exactly the same as the scaled sequence preview.  

    My output choice originally was MP4, HD 1080p. The exported videos filled the entire wide screen tv with no bars top, bottom, or sides.
    I believe the wide screen fit selection was greyed out.

    After changing to AVI output, it looks like the exported output is 4:3 (although the file properties indicates 1920 x 1080). Changing the output parms back to MP4, the exported output also 4:3. One thing I did observe is the background photo is not stretched or distorted but both sides have been cut off leaving the black bars on each side. If the vertical scrolling text (centred on screen) is close to the preview screen width, both sides are cut off as well.
    Also Widescreen Fit is never greyed out, unless TV NTSC is selected.

    Re; Nationalsolo; 
    I set the scrolling text to the chosen font and size, centred on screen, and adjusted the line length to make sure it fit correctly in the sequence preview screen. I was first using a full screen (bottom to top) scroll, but did not like it as I found it to be too busy. I did originally use a cropped copy of the background art layered on top of the text until I discovered cropping the text was easier.

    Re; Borate;
    Do the sequence preview and the export resolution have to be identical 1920 x 1080 ?
    Does it make a difference if the sequence preview is set to 16:9 (512 x 288) and the export is set to 16:9 (1920 x 1080) ?
    Also in reference to your May 12 reply, Yes I see the output and the export are identical. However, my sequence preview fills the preview screen without the bars, and that is my desired export result as well. It is just not happening.

    I thank everyone for their patience and help, it is much appreciated.

    I apologise for my seemingly slow responses to your prompt reply's, I have not much time to spend on my computer as there is too much outdoor work to do and not enough Rob Bob Dave to go around.

  11. Perhaps I wasn't clear in my dilemma. The cropping of the scrolling text is not the issue.

    The exported video screen sizing/scaling is the issue.

    I scale the background jpg to fill the editor/preview screen, which is set to 16:9 (512 x 288)

    I then add in the text file and adjust it where necessary (line length) to fit the editor/preview screen.

    I then get the timing correct by adjusting the text file on the timeline so that the correct line of text is in the cropped area.

    Everything is working up to this point.

    Until I decided to export as AVI file format,  the Widescreen Fit was always greyed out.

    Now, the videos I save as AVI or MP4, the Widescreen Fit is never greyed out no matter what resolution I select.

    Both choices (letterbox or crop) reduce the size of the output video, letterbox less than crop, but both cause enough reduction that the output is not as it was before I decided to try AVI format.

    BTW, my solution:

    re-install Videopad ver 7.00

    redo the (ahem) corrupted exports because the project files are not backwards compatible.

    Upgrade back to videopad ver 7.10 (because I found it was more reliable than ver 7.00 and ver 7.11)

    Or  not.

    The problem I was having with ver 7.00 seems to have somehow corrected itself with the re-install, which was text "smear' or "bleed".

  12. What I am doing is creating "sing along videos" from audio files with vertical scrolling text (cropped to three lines at the bottom of the screen) and a static background photo, just to have something to look at. This is what I did before deciding to switch to AVI export.


    • set editor resolution to a 16:9 preset setting (512 x 288) slow computer, smoother preview
    • 29.97 frame rate, for tv output,  wanted to be the same as exported file 

    Add all the files to the project making sure the layers are in the correct order. 

    I used Scale with Maintain AR checked to make the background fill the screen

    I cropped the text to show only four lines at the bottom of the screen and then adjusted the timing of the text to display correctly

    export file settings:

    Preset:    HD 1080p

    File Format:  mp4 

    mp4 encoding settings


    • H264
    • default quality filesize
    • auto detect


    • ACC
    • same as input
    • 320 kbps

    Resolution:   1920 x 1080  1080p HD

    Widescreen Fit:  greyed out

    Frame Rate:    29.97 fps

    Until I decided to change to AVI, the Widescreen Fit was always greyed out. Now, the videos I saved as AVI, the Widescreen Fit is never greyed out no matter what resolution I select. Even if I choose File Format mp4.

  13. Yes using VP 7.10

    My clips are 2560 x 1920 jpg photos

    • Export File Name....... ............file name selected
    • Save to Folder........................folder chosen
    • Preset....................................Click the down arrow and choose  HD 1080p from the list (near the top) *** this selection changes the next to .mp4
    • File Format............................Click  the down arrow and choose .avi *** this selection changes the previous to "custom"
    • Default Quality/File size........Video Compressor...H264 (Native)  Sound compressor...Mp3 (Native) *** Defaults are these choices
    • Resolution ...........................1920 x 1080p HD
    • Widescreen fit ......................will be greyed out. *** not, letterbox is the default
    • Framerate............................ 29.970
    • Click Create

    Yup. Did all that and the results are the same, both sides are cut off about 12% 

    I have the preview set to the lowest 16:9 setting and the preview shows the entire picture without cropping it.The output does not match the preview .


  14. I have been learning how to use Videopad recently. I was exporting using MP4 format but recently researched the different file export formats and found AVI format had better quality for output. I began exporting as AVI files only to discover the export output files were not playing in the resolution I selected.

    My export MP4 file settings: HD 1080p (1920 x 1080) (16:9) letterbox at 29.97 fps - filled the screen without any black bars, top, bottom or sides

    My export AVI file settings: Custom (1920 x 1080)  (16:9) letterbox at 29.97 fps - seems to be 4:3 format black bars both sides

    All my exported video properties indicate 1920 x 1080 resolution.. 

    I have exported four videos as API, all using the same settings. One plays full screen while three play in the 4:3 format. This occurs without adjusting the tv screen resolution.

    I chose AVI because my research indicated AVI format gives better output quality. I would like to know how to force the AVI files to default to 16:9 resolution because having both sides "cut off" is really annoying. Yes, the sides are cut off not shrunk to fit. How do I know this? Because text I have added might be "Please consider function" becomes "se consider fu" not the output I wanted.

    Any information would be appreciated.

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