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Posts posted by michael_DK

  1. I have worked since 2014 with Camtasia Studio and have paid some hundred USD. I have respect for your work, but I find it very hard to understand 'add effect'. It seems very primitive way for the coder and very odd for the user. I have tested Zoom. I have seen the video, but I cannot figure out how to add an effect at one time and make it stop at another time. It is VERY complictated compare with Camtasia and probably other software.

    I see the timeline in the popup window - It took me some time to see that. I want some symbols ON the media on the timeline. I want to be able to drag them on the media etc. If I understand it correct. Your User Interface is too odd and you can NOT attract buyers with this.

    PS I use the paid version.

  2. I have been away for some hours. Now I better understand. From the very beginning I just wanted to export to a file, that Youtube/Google recommends here https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/1722171?hl=en-GB

    that is I was focused on MP4 container. Sorry to you guys, but I overlooked the Video compressor MPEG4. I have to study the difference H264 and MPEG4. I will look closer at your posts. I hope that others will learn something here. I do. Again thank you and I will test later.

  3. I have 30 years of computer experience and have written several computer manuals etc. I DO have some experience. I like your word SHOULD. Pls try it for yourself. We talk about facts here, not "should" and "could". I have spent some hour on this, enough for now.

  4. So far I have not succeded in making a file with 320kbps audio. Right now I have waisted 46 USD, if I do not get my money back. I make simple test. I import image and a small wav file with 1411kbps. I have made the same test in Camtasia 2018 and here my audio setting is 512kbps and this is what I get after export.

    Videopad does NOT do, what the user is told: create mp4 with 320kbps audio and I have asked for a refund.

  5. Thanks a lot all 3 of you. I use 7.03, downloaded a few weeks ago. If I can be assured that I can export a mp4 with 320kbps, I am happy to pay 30 Euro. I have paid 300 USD for Camtasia twice during the last 5-6 years and Videopad is much better for my needs.

    Nationalsolo: I do NOT want to make an avi file, then I have to convert it to mp4 for youtube, but thank U for the screenshots.

    I have paid and will test ...

  6. I got a unusable reply from support about this saying. I asked about audio and get a response about video: 

    The free versions are limited in the formats supported, effects included, etc. For example, the free version of VideoPad will only allow you to export to a few video formats.

    And I asked again without reply. Why should I pay, if I do not exactly know, if my audio files can be saved with 320kbps, when my original audio file is 510kbps ?

  7. I thought U were in Australia OR you are up very early. Let me say here, that I admire your work. I have just tested some other programs but the most important thing is to make a selection on the timeline - what we all do very often - and here Videopad wins completely. Until I found out about the mouse down and the double arrow and drag. Superior and intuitive and creativie. Videopad is my choice now. I hope that it can do, what I want to do 😉

  8. I have now 2 video files with audio. The first one I did UNLINK the audio, because I thought that was necessary to edit the audio file. I added a second videofile and with this one I did NOT unlink the audio file. With this second one I can right click the audio file and select Edit with Waveform. Heureka !

  9. I just started, great software for free, BUT so far I am having troubles editing the audio. Once I had Wavepad opened, but HOW I did it, I do not remember. I have found out about right click and Save Audio as new File and THEN I right click upper left on the newly created audio file and now I can go Open File With -> Wave Pad Audio Editor and then ...

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