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Everything posted by Sarastro

  1. Perhaps your PC does not have a line in . One method that perhaps could work is to send the sound filel via email to your PC. However if the sound file is large (has a great data volume) it is more practical is to put the sound file to your Dropbox. If you don't have a Drobox you could install the free version of Dropbox in your mobile. Using your Dropbox user name and passworf you then could install a local version of your Dropbox on your PC. Then, after a while, you can open in the PC the local Dropbox and activate the sound file in WavePad. When writing all this I assumed that your Iphone stores sound in a format tht WavePad can read. (I am using an Android phone so I don't know much about IPhone)
  2. Hallo Ben, I acted according to yout advive ( deleted all the .nchmp3 files in folder: C:\Users\[Your Name]\AppData\Roaming\NCH Software\WavePad). Now the WavePad works nicely! Thanks!
  3. Thank you very much for you response. I followed your adcice and now WavePad is working perfect Your advice was:
  4. I have a similar (but different) problem when I open mp3 files in WavePad. They stop aftrer 17 sec. They can be opened and edited with other programs like Audacity. I have no solution yet so I am curious how you will manage your problem. My input yesterday was :Playing or editing sound file using WavePad stops after 17 sec.
  5. After editing 'longer' wave files (length playing time: 5 to 20 min) and saving as mp3 files the files were closed. When I reopen any of these mp3 files in WavePad , displaying, editing or playing is limited to 17 sec. When I open the mp3 files in Audacity or similar sound editing programs these problems don't exist. Unknown time setting or bug in WavePad? (Win 10 Pro and WavePad Masters Ed 6.59) Testfiles are in my Dropbox folder TestSalieri : (Accept some time, depending on your net) https://www.dropbox.com/sh/gx7o391vmfkfw0i/AACSVNoWdhvl2C9R51MJhQzIa?dl=0
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