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Vitaly Rubin

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Everything posted by Vitaly Rubin

  1. Nevertheless I succeed to finish the project, I still have some issue pending resolving. One of episodes mentioned earlier, stand alone sequence, is representing not smoothly on the final .avi. Looks like the content was recorded on old fashioned low rate video tape. When being coded and represented stand alone, this episode doesn't reveals anything like that, working fine. Do you have any idea what can cause to such effect? Attempt to replace .avi to .mkv as well as attempts to remove and copy the sequence again into the final project were fruitless. I only payed attention that the number of digits in the header relating to the episode in .vpj is differ, no idea if it means anything ... h=4491531&type=7&sphen=0&sphho=0&sphve=0&horiginalclip=20682&name=Blank%20Clip&offset=764314&in=0&out=3000&hlinked=0&fadeinduration=0&thumbpos=0&htrack=2039893 h=31992379&type=7&sphen=0&sphho=0&sphve=0&horiginalclip=2600612&name=16.7%20better%20than%20mountains&offset=1103320&in=0&out=302867&hlinked=0&fadeinduration=2000&thumbpos=120000&htrack=2039893 h=2199817&type=7&sphen=0&sphho=0&sphve=0&horiginalclip=20682&name=Blank%20Clip&offset=1405187&in=0&out=1830&hlinked=0&fadeinduration=0&thumbpos=0&htrack=2039893 ... Do you have any idea what need to be checked/fixed? Thanks!
  2. Thanks to all of you! Finally I root caused the issue and resolved it in different 2 ways. 1. Changing the codec from .avi (yes, I know this is container rather than codec ) to .mkv did the trick. BUT - coding the whole project took ~12h in the opposite to ~3.5h to .avi. From another hand: 1.6G mkv vs 2.3G avi. Will consider that in the future. 2. My project includes number of episodes (sections). In order to save efforts I created .avi from each episode, then integrated all of them into a new .avi. Looks like this double coding moved out of mind the tool. It wasn't crossed through my mind I can better use sequences rather than final container. Once I did it, the problem was resolved. Of course, coding the whole project from the scratch takes much more time than only info/final/transitions added to already prepared containers, but looks like nothing to do about. Anyway, for a first project with the tool is looks good.
  3. I did it. Both for a small portion, or the whole project but with low resolution. It was ok in both cases. Upon my mind, it's something about 2G file size limit, indeed, not sure. Will try to get more disk space, change output codec - stuff like that.
  4. Thanks, but the project takes 35G, mostly videos from different sources. I'll do it upon lack of other possibilities.
  5. Hello Problem when creating a video file. The total project length is 30 min. Creating .avi with FullHD resolution generates 60 min file - it represent the whole content twice. Any idea what's going on? The latest version, ~10 video clips + audio + transition effects etc. Thanks
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