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Everything posted by eltonbuddha

  1. I just discovered that all 8 DO indeed work if no restraint is applied. I was doing 16:9 restraint and that changes the corners to translation only. Is that just me, or do you see that as well?
  2. Ah, effectchain makes sense now. Thanks. I watched the video tutorial on animating zoom. It shows the rectangular widget being resized by the corner points as well as the 4 side points. But in 6.10, the corners only move the rectangle position. They don't resize it. Only the side points do that. Is this a bug or did this change between the demo'd version and 6.10?
  3. Thanks for pointing me to keyframe. I didn't know it would be defined under "effect animation" within the effects help page. So "effectchain" is defined in Wavepad, which I don't have. Do I have to buy other NCH products in order to have full doc on VP? Which others do I need?
  4. I'm new to this forum but very experienced with VP. I used whatever version was current in Feb 2012 until a couple weeks ago. In that time I've made about 3500 projects. Needless to say, I long ago got to the point where I could work VP in my sleep. A computer crash resulted in me having to get 6.10 in order to have a valid license on a new computer. It's been a nightmare ever since. I'm drowning in confusion. I have so many questions and frustrations, it's hard to pick a place to start. But I'll try. The help file says it's for version 6.10, but it clearly isn't. The product itself is full of weird gizmos and concepts that are not mentioned in this "help". For example, what's a "keyframe"? How about a "keyframe graph"? What's an "effect chain template"? It's not urgent for me to understand what these mean, but it sure does indicate how unattached to VP reality the "help" page is. And who knows, if I knew what these were I might find them useful. I have a long list of apparent bugs, but don't want to clutter this thread with more than one or two issues since that would get unwieldy. So, can anyone point me to the real help file, or a user manual?
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