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Everything posted by liormessinger

  1. thank you! it turned out I had a very short clip in between the two clips. I'm not sure how it got there - probably because of previous editing actions. once i zoomed in and removed it, problem fixed. thanks
  2. hi sometimes, when trying to transition out of certain clips, the transition produced is very very short here's an example: https://snag.gy/jqQ0k5.jpg as u can see, the text overlay has a transition which looks good, about 1 sec the lower clip transition is very short. when trying to manualy change it, i can only change in 0.02, to 0.04. then ,if I try again, I can change to 0.06. then to 0.08 etc how do i fix that? thanks!!
  3. hi sometimes, when trying to click space when editing a typewrite text effect, the space doesnt type, but instead is used as a shortcut to play the clip how do i fix that? thanks!!
  4. hi sometimes, when trying to click space when editing a typewrite text effect, the space doesnt type, but instead is used as a shortcut to play the clip how do i fix that? thanks!!
  5. Hi so far i managed to only find single line effects thanks!!
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