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Purple Shark

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Everything posted by Purple Shark

  1. Never mind! Figured it out after talking with someone who works with me. The step I had forgotten about, since it had been so long since I'd had to do it, was to set up Control + T as a hot key. DOH!
  2. I'm assuming this is me, but recently I had to reinstall ES and, it's been a while since I've had to do a timecoded document, but the way I usually did it was to do Ctl. + T and then Ctl+ V to insert the current time in the audio into the document. I can get this to work once, but then the time elapsed doesn't change--the same time keeps being inserted, the correct time is not being copied onto the clipboard. I really don't know what I'm doing wrong, but I can't find explicit instructions, other than the ones saying to do what I'm already doing. The only thing I have also tried is doing Ctl + Shift + T, which is extremely cumbersome, but this does change the time, at least--once. But I'm sure there's another answer, hoping someone can enlighten me.
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