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Everything posted by Oberfail

  1. Should be the latest version, yes.
  2. When I export a Video, my CPU only get utilized ~10%. If I use another free program, the test video gets rendered in arround 14 minutes, with Videopad Editor it takes a bit more than an hour. But the other program is to complex to use for me, so I want to use Videopad Editor. Here is a screenshot of what I mean: https://prnt.sc/frbcnt How can I let Videopad Editor use the full potential of my CPU? Specs: CPU: R5 1600 (6 cores @3.8 Ghz with Hyperthreading, that means 12 Threads) Ram: 16gb DDR4 2400Mhz Ram GPU: GTX 1070 If you need anything else from me, feel free to ask. If it will help to solve my problem I will do it.
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