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Posts posted by jotti

  1. But if I just want the generated video to have a certain aspect ratio, say 9:16 portrait, no matter what ratios all clips have, is there no way how to set the aspect ratio of the project? Never mind the clips! Stretching or cropping the clips to a desired ratio is like fixing the wrong end. Besides, those actions assume I want the centre of the images. What if I'd like another part? Just dragging the clip inside the preview window would be great, if only the preview window could be fixed to the desired aspect ratio of the project.

  2. I'm making a 16:9 video with lots of 4:3 images. Some are 3:4, some 16:9 and some are just plain 1:1. Each image should move slowly in the 16:9 video frame. But it seems my images create their own frame inside the video frame. If I want a 4:3 image, it is placed in a 4:3 frame inside the 16:9 video frame. And if I put the imnage in motion, it never goes outside the 4:3 frame, but gets cropped. How can I make it flow freely using the total 16:9 video frame?


    Ok, seems I used the wrong effect. Pan & Zoom doesn't move the image outside its 4:3 frame. Motion does.


  3. On the main track I have a Christmas tree with balls.

    On an overlay track I have a face, which I want to place in the ball. What I like to do is

    1. Create a mask for the face.
    2. Scale the overlay and position it over the ball.

    Doesn't seem to work this way. What I did was I added the overlay track with the face. The face is of course not filmed to be on right spot on the screen, nor to be of right size. So I just add the mask and edit the mask to fit the face. Then I add the transparency effect. I get a nice overlay, where only the face is seen from the overlay track. Now I want to position and scale the face to fit the ball. I add the scale effect. But it doesn't scale everything I have so far on the track. It scales only the mask, but not the video with the face. This is not what I would call a chain. And when only the mask is scaled, even the boundaries of the mask frame get scaled. So if I have a nice oval spot for the face and everything around it is transparent, it is transparent only to the corners of the frame. Scaling down drags the corners inwards, making a non transparent frame, where the overlay video gets visible, because it didn't get scaled.

    So what I believe I would have to do is I'd have to first scale the overlay video, then add the mask&transparency. But that is a pain! If I need to adjust the positioning, I have to go to the scale effect, then I have to adjust the mask. Instead of just creating a masked face, then scaling and positioning it. What am I missing here?

  4. I just finished editing one video with a scrolling score. It wasn't that much fuss. I used two tracks and five images. Images 1, 3 and 5 on first track and images 2 and 4 on second track. At each joint I just take care that the vertical automation is correct in both joining images. And the resolution is perfect. But this method won't work for the original post problem with photographic images.

  5. I have the same problem.


    Seems all suggestions base on exporting the video to a high resolution (3840 width). That takes awfully much time and HD space. Next step would be to reduce the video to something one wanted in the first place. In my case it's 1280x720. Again, that takes time. And something happens to the video and audio quality in each extra turn.


    In my case I have sheet music that I want to scroll. The sheet music is a 2330x4300 pixel high black-on-transparent png image. If I got it right, VP imports that image and first fits the height (4300) to my video height (720). This reduces the width of the png image from 2330 to 379. Only after that I can fit in the width of the image to what I want. At this point I have to enlarge the image (width from 379 to some 800). So instead of changing the image from 2330 to 800, it goes 2330 -> 379 -> 800. This is when graphic info disappears.


    Before this gets fixed, I'm tempted to do the following. The Image I want to scroll I scale (in Gimp) to 1280 pixel wide. Then I divide the image into 720 pixel high chunks. Then I scroll each chunk on its own video track in VP. It's an awful mess to get each chunk perfectly jointed to each other, but in my case with sheet music it's not that critical. Lots of white space (or transparent, actually), where the chunk borders can be placed.

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