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Everything posted by fats@oeccwildblue.com

  1. I've been using v 3.05 for several days and love all the options. However, PowerPoint 2003 may not like it. I've created several mp3 sound files to be inserted into PP slides. I thought they were working but in the final presentation PowerPoint seems to want to truncate the end. For example, on a 1 minute audio, PP only plays 50 seconds. As a test I loaded the same file into my old (and few options) Wave Creator, did a cosmetic edit, re-saved the file, then inserted it to PP. PowerPoint played the entire file of 60 seconds. I then loaded that file back into Wavepad, did a cosmetic edit, a re-save and inserted to PP. PowerPoint played only the first 50 seconds. Is this a known problem? Len Miller
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