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Everything posted by leo3487

  1. ok thanks, I understand what you say. Noww other problem, of course as you said, I zoom in to see the peaks and trying match sound with video, but after I drop at desider place, zoom return out. What option I must change to zoom continue at same level I had before move audio?
  2. I downloaded the last version of VideoPad free, because the one I had (and have installed at Windows 7) 2.42 cant be installed on Windows 8/8.1 The fact is at version 2.42 I can move audio as free as I want, but at latest version, it make big jumps, in this way I cant adjust audio to match video. Im making a video from 2 sources, a japanese video, and audio of its dubbed version to spanish (as dubbed version is 360p and original is 1080p) is as when I want move at newest version, it is "stuck" to some marks and when finaly move, it is much more further than I want, but when want move back, cant do it at tiny moves, it return to that mark
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