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RJ Burke

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  1. A few days ago I had a problem with the Start/Pause button on Videopad playback video & sequences. The Pause wouldn't "pause", but reversed the playback instead. The suggestion was made by user Borate to download a fresh copy of VideoPad. That worked. For a few days. Now my fresh copy has resumed this wonky behaviour. Any suggestions how I can fix this instead of downloading a fresh VideoPad every few days? I've paid for Gold tech support, but there doesn't seem to be any access to Gold tech support on the NCH website, only Platinum tech support. Thanks!
  2. The first reinstall tried was a "repair", but nothing changed; the result was identical. Next I completely deleted all traces of the previous download & install and downloaded a fresh copy. This time it's working correctly, and I can insert clips into a sequence OK. I've got other "how-to" questions, but I'll start them in a separate thread.Thanks for your help!
  3. Mine is v3.29. Sorry about referring to the "Pause" button as a "Stop" button. I was focusing on the strange behavior rather than the correct term. Pressing the space bar produces the same behavior as clicking on the Play/Pause button. I notice also that when I pause the Clip Preview, it starts reversing, but it also starts the Sequence Preview player at the same time. Now the Clip Preview is reversing, but the Sequence Preview is playing forward. Is this correct behavior?
  4. In the "Clip Preview" & "Sequence Preview" windows there are standard large start/stop buttons under each window. Pressing the triangle button starts the player, and pressing the vertical-bar button should stop the player, except that it reverses the playback instead of stopping. The reverse function is pretty well useless for anything AFAICS, and I'd really like to be able to stop the player at any point. Except for this quirk, VideoPad looks like it could be very useful.
  5. When trying to work on a piece of video in VideoPad, the Start button starts the player OK, but the Stop button simply causes the video to reverse. It doesn't stop. So while It'm trying to manipulate the video segments, they're either running forward or backward, or resting at the beginning of the segment, which makes it impossible to use. I've looked everywhere for a switch to control the Stop/Start behavior, but I'm stumped. Can anyone offer advice?
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