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Everything posted by heaven086

  1. And again I would just like to say, If it has worked once then why not now? has there been an update with mixpad? ive been reading thorugh the forums where people are buying new soundcards for this program... to me that is not a good program, why should I have to go out and but somthing expensive to run this. maybe they need to put descriptions in before people buy mixpad about what quailty soundcards will run this... but i just dont get how i was running it prefetly fine untill i re-installed it........... :S
  2. Okay, sorry to be a pain but this still does not help. The thing is when I first dowloaded mixpad it was fine, so why is it doing this now when ive ran mixpad before and its always been in sync? I am still using the same speakers (sound card)... This makes no sense what so ever I really wanted to purchase this but this little hicup is really putting me off the whole mixpad program. any other ideas that can help? I've reinstalled it again and it is still doing the same thing so that doesnt help at all unfortunatly
  3. okay ill give that a try thank you
  4. Okay this is really getting on my tits, Ive used mixpad many of been playing around with it and using the free download for a while untill ive acctually though you know what ill buy this program. so got rid of all old files uninstalled mixpad to go to mixpad download again, open mixpad start doing some recording to realise that even though its in time when i play it back its out of time... i dont get it tried this numerous times even with metranome on. whats going on?
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