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Everything posted by kermit2004

  1. Ok - just tried it with version 2.41 - the same problem .... plus the images have a lot of artefacts (although I used the same settings as I did with version 2.3 where you don't have any artefacts at all).... VERY FRUSTRATING Anybody knows a video editor with which I can actually create a video? This one obviously is not working
  2. Hey Nat, the stills are all jpgs - but taken with different cameras and so do have different solution. The video parts are mostly mov. It plays in the preview just fine. Also it doesn't always freezes at the same point / same image but on totally different places, no matter wether a high resolution or low resolution pic... I am kind of hesitant to install another version of videopad - this video I created for my wife's birthday and I would have love to have it rendered to show her in a good resolution - but the way it is now I could at least show her the preview image....
  3. I know, that's why I have a new computer set up for Audio and Video work a lot of RAM a lot of Disc space and two fast CPUs - so resources is not the problem
  4. Hallo, habe jetzt mit der kostenlosen Version v 2.3 ein Projekt erstellt (ca 17 min lang - enthält neben diversen Videoclips eine Menge an Standbildern im jpg Format). Will das Ganze als Video konvertieren/rendern/film speichern - aber egal welche Einstellung ich vornehme oder in welchem Format (avi, mpeg, wma, mov, flv, etc. etc) ich speicher im erstellten Video fehlen viele Bilder, bzw. ab einem gewissen Punkt (immer wieder ein anderer Punkt im Video mal nach 5 sec mal nach 4 min usw.) friert das Bild ein - Soundtrack läuft weiter aber ich habe nur noch Standbild. In den FAQs heißt es, dass man eventuell die Bilder kleiner rechnen muss - aber bei der Menge an Standbildern macht das keinen Sinn, es würde bedeuten, dass ich das komplette Projekt neu aufsetzen müsste (und selbst dann weiß ich ja noch nicht ob das Rendern dann funktionieren würde). Gibt es eine praktikable Lösung? Irgendjemand einen Hinweis, wie ich es schaffe, mit dem Video erstell Programm ein Video zu erstellen..... Danke
  5. every try I do ends with the same problem - if the programm doesn't crash while rendering. By the way I have Version 2.30 - although I just downloaded it a couple of days ago... Well I guess this is it for me with videopad - doesn't help if I can't convert my projects into videos (a real shame I worked for so many hours on this project and all for nothing.....) So if anybody has a solution or a work around I'd be more than happy....
  6. I tried basically everything. Started out with avi - mpg4 - mov - wma - flv - etc. etc. I just hoped that one of the formats would work. Tried different settings and resolutions same problem. Some of these run for longer before they start to make problems, other sooner - but none (!) will have the full video (ok, there was one, which I didn't watch until the end, because each picture was basically just a sum of artefacts - so even if this would have run to the end you couldn't use it) The problem is the video runs until a certain point , the soundtrack continues but the pictures / videos are not shown anymore, but the last picture stands as a still until the end of the video (sometimes after a minute or so the video continues for two or three pics and then again the pic just freezes....
  7. You mean like a screenshot? That's kind of a ridiculous solution (but I guess it'll work.. ;-) ) Or is snapshot somehow integrated in videopad?
  8. Hi, another question: is it possible to have the last frame of a video last as a stand still for a couple of frames or even seconds? How would this be done? Also one more regarding frames: i can only edit/cut the video in the timeline in seconds, is there a setting that I can do editing by frame? Thanks
  9. Hi when I try to save my video file I loose most of my stills. In the faqs it says that I need to lower the resolution of my jpgs and then re-include them... Well I got some 500 files included in this project so reducing the resolution and re-include is not really an option (basically I would need to redo the whole project and it took me a very long time to create it in the first place) - is there any other possibility to have the video running with all media files included and showing? Thanks
  10. Hi Nat, yeah when working with exisiting mp3 files it is obviously better to include the single mp3s and take it from there (although I am not so happy with the possibiliities to adjust the settings of the clips in video pad) - but I am "composing" a mp3 file and this "composition" gets longer as I go along in the video. Since I couldn't find the reason for the clipping I splitted the composition in three parts now and include each part seperatly - not ideal but it works.
  11. Hi, I just downloaded the free version of video pad and am working on my first project. So far all went fine - I'm not 100% happy but for a free tool it is really great. However working on the project I have a soundfile as soundtrack and as I go along I enlarge this file (using a different programm) - also up until about min 3 no problem - but the last enlargement hasn't been taken (I added another minute to the track but only about 10 secs of the add is being played). When I control the track (which is a mp3 file) in any other player is plays all the way - so the file seems to be ok. Is there a limit on video/audio length in the free version? What else could the reason be, that the audioclip is not fully included?
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