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  1. I'm not familiar with WavePad, I started using it just a short time ago. I'm not getting my moneys worth at the momeny, but, only because I'm not familiar with all, or even MOST of the things it wil do. You mention you used "Click and Pop Repair", WHERE is that, I've got the Masters edition if that helps. I am having the same issue that you are. After I save a file that I KNOW had no pops or cracks in it, all of a sudden, I DO. But, I do not even know, how to do the click and pop repair you mention. Can you please reply to this, and let me know HOW you do it. I'm blind making finding things a bit difficult, but, I've got a voice program, that reads out what ever is either on the page, on the clipboard, or anytning I tab to. So, that makes it harder to find certain options, unless I KNOW where they are. Thanx a LOT Rob
  2. I edit, and use the bandpass filters, Automatic Gain Control, on Audio Books that I buy, and import into MP3 files. Yes, they tend to be large, but, wavepad has NO problem opening them up. Just won't do anything to them once they are open. Well, they will do some things, but not what I want. And, the very few SMALL books I have, and work on, when using things like the Bandpass filter, It takes upwards of 4-5 hrs. to perform this task. That is ridiculous. Can't find out these things during the free trial. It's a good thing they are located in Australia, and not in Ireland. Or the U.S. even. There, I could, and WOULD go to the company headquarters, and make my displeasure known in a more demonstrative manner. robl756
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