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Posts posted by apstewart

  1. Please check Preferences -> Regional -> Print Settings -> Paper Size. This determines the paper size if you are not using "small-size" receipts. On mine, sometimes it defaults to "legal" which could explain why you're getting two pages.


    On Windows, the Preferences button is called Options.

  2. The backup and restore features are grayed out when I am logged out, or if I log in as a non-administrator user, but they become accessible after I log in as an administrator. I could be mistaken, but this may simply be a case where the user interface doesn't make things clear. Try logging in as an administrator and see if it works.

  3. If you are using Windows:


    (1) First, set up Windows to work with two monitors. After connecting the second monitor, you may need to right-click on the desktop background and click "Screen resolution".

    (2) In Copper, click on the View menu -> Dual Screen.

    (3) Drag the "Transaction Details" window to the second screen and maximize it.


    You have to do steps #2 and 3 every time you restart Copper.

  4. You could try using it as a receipt printer:

    (1) Go to Options (or Preferences on Mac) -> Receipt.

    (2) Check the box "Print small size receipts".

    (3) Choose the widest page width.


    It's not ideal because it only uses the left side of the page, but it may be an improvement over printing a full page.

  5. Make sure your currency settings are the same in both programs.


    Copper: Go to Options -> Regional and select "Currency Digits".

    Inventoria: Go to Options -> Other and select "Currency Digits".


    If possible, these options should be set up when you are first configuring the programs.

  6. Here are some things to try:


    If you open Notepad or TextEdit and scan a barcode, does the number appear? For instance:


    Also, does the cursor move to the next line?

    If not, then you will need to configure the barcode scanner to work in keyboard emulation mode. This is typically done by scanning codes in the barcode reader manual.


    To create new items:

    (1) Click on "Select Item".

    (2) Click on the green plus sign.

    (3) Scan the barcode (in the Item Code field)

    (4) Enter the other details and press OK.


    To look up items:

    - With the cursor in the "Enter Item Code" box, scan the item.

    - If the item exists, it should be added to the list.

    - If the item does not exist, an error message comes up saying, "No item with code '...' could be found in the items list"


    A possible point of confusion:

    - The "Add Item" button adds the item in the text box to the order. I almost never use this button. If I am using a barcode reader, the text box accepts it without pressing the button. If I am looking up an item manually, I press "Select Item" instead.

  7. The feature is not supported, but you can save the reports in CSV format and manipulate the data in Excel.


    Here is one approach:

    (1) Open the Inventoria "Inventory" report. Go to Report -> Save as CSV and save it.

    (2) Open the Copper "Item: Sales" report. Go to Report -> Save as CSV and save it.

    (3) Open the Copper "Item: Refunds" report. Go to Report -> Save as CSV and save it.

    (4) Open all three files in Excel.

    (5) Also open a blank file in Excel.

    (6) Copy and paste the tables from the Inventory, Item Sales, and Item Refund reports into the new table. Paste them side-by-side with a column between each one.

    (7) You now have three tables, side-by-side, on a single Excel sheet. If you want, you can insert a top row and label them as "Inventory", "Sales", and "Refunds".

    (8) Select and highlight in bold the columns that will matter. These are "Item" and "Item Code", "Cost Value", "Disc. Value" (the price after discounts), and "Qty".

    (9) Make sure the Item Codes match up on all three tables, so that an item is on one row. You may need to move the refund values down to the correct locations.

    (10) Create a new column, "Net Sales", to the right. It is calculated as the Sales table "Disc. Value" minus the Refunds table "Disc. Value", or =M2-S2

    (11) Create a new column, "Net Cost" to the right. it is ((Sales:Qty)-(Refunds:Qty)) * (Inventory:Cost Value), or =(K2-Q2)*F2

    (12) Create a new column, "Net Profit" to the right. It is "Net Sales" - "Net Cost".

    Then add column totals and any other calculations you need.


    I hope that helps, even if it's not as easy as it could be.

  8. To create the import file:

    (1) Create an Excel file with three columns: ItemCode,Description,Price

    (2) Fill in the rows with your data.

    (3) Click on the round menu button -> Save As.

    Save as type: CSV (comma delimited).

    Then choose a name and save it normally.

    (4) As you know, the import function is under the Item List dialog.


    It's best to enter a few test transactions after you've imported the data, to make sure the performance is within your expectations.

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