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Posts posted by nchtj

  1. There is a new version in testing, please contact tech support for further assistance.


    In IVM just go to the Help menu -> Technical Support page and the link is at the bottom of the webpage.

  2. The reason for this behaviour comes down to the changes that Microsoft introduced for Windows Vista. Put simply, even if you are running under an admin account, you by default do *not* have admin access to the software. This is the new change that Microsoft have introduced with the UAC security feature. Since this is a Microsoft addition, it applies to all software across the board.


    This means that, if you want to change the startup options for the software, you have to exit it and then run it again *explicitly as administrator*. So you can right-click on the program in the Start menu and select 'Run as Administrator' from the menu. This will elevate your privileges and give you full access to the software.


    Once you do this you can change the startup options as you please.


    Microsoft introduced UAC to address security loopholes introduced by the fact that everyone uses administrator accounts on Windows regardless of if they need it or not. This limits the ability of viruses/trojans to infect your machine by asking you to authenticate any action on your computer that makes changes to sensitive areas e.g. Program Files or Windows folders. Under XP you could have programs install themselves quietly in the background without you knowing, but under Vista with UAC you will always get a prompt when this behaviour occurs (giving you a chance to stop this sort of thing occurring).


    You should already be familiar with UAC if you have tried to install any application on your computer.

  3. For all our service-based applications, the 'engine' of the product runs as a Windows service. This service therefore needs to have access to your LAN folder. By default the service runs under the 'SYSTEM' account which has *no* access to LAN folders.


    You have to go into the Options -> General tab and click on 'Service Settings' and change it to run under an account that has *default* access to the shares.


    By 'default' I mean that, if the username/password to access shares is different to the username/password for that local account, it will only work if you check the 'Reconnect on logon' option when mapping the network drive (or browsing the network neighbourhood). A simpler method is to make sure the local / network account details match. Or the LAN folder can have no authentication at all.


    Note that once you do this then you cannot run IVM as a service anymore because it no longer runs under the 'SYSTEM' account. But this is a Windows limitation, it is simply not possible to access network shares using the SYSTEM account and without logging in to the computer.

  4. Uplink bridges all phone calls through Skype, so it can only do what Skype can do (what the Skype API can do at least). Given that you cannot multi-line a Skype client that means Uplink cannot do that either. You would need multiple computers and multiple Skype clients.

  5. Please email tech support for this issue and they can assist you further.


    In IVM go to the Help menu -> Technical Support Page and then click the link right at the bottom of the webpage.

  6. We've seen this issue with other modems, the problem comes down to the modem trying to connect the call before IVM has had a chance to pick it up. Then after IVM tries to pick it up, it gets ignored by the modem because it thinks the call is already connected. So then the call disconnects.


    If you wish to confirm this, please email tech support for more assistance (in IVM go to Help menu -> Technical Support Page and click the weblink at the bottom).

  7. We have a solution now, please email tech support for this issue and they can assist you further.


    In IVM go to the Help menu -> Technical Support Page and then click the link right at the bottom of the webpage.

  8. For all our service-based applications (such as IVM), the 'engine' of the product runs as a Windows service. This service therefore needs to have access to your LAN folder. By default the service runs under the 'SYSTEM' account which has *no* access to LAN folders.


    You have to go into the Settings -> General tab and click on 'Service Settings' and change it to run under an account that has *default* access to the shares.


    By 'default' I mean that, if the username/password to access shares is different to the username/password for that local account, it will only work if you check the 'Reconnect on logon' option when mapping the network drive. A simpler method is to make sure the local / network account details match. Or the LAN folder can have no authentication at all.


    Note that once you do this then you cannot run IVM as a service anymore because it no longer runs under the 'SYSTEM' account. But this is a Windows limitation, it is simply not possible to access network shares using the SYSTEM account and without logging in to the computer.

  9. RFC2833 is one of the ways I was talking about for transferring DTMF responses. I guess if IVM isn't receiving the responses, perhaps it doesn't support this method. Can your provider set it to a different option to try and find one that is compatible (the only other one I remember is SIP Info.. and I don't know which one(s) IVM supports).


    We support RFC2833 and In-band, but not SIP Info. Codecs supported are G.711u/a, G.726 and GSM. G.729 is not supported because it is a royalty-based codec.


    If key responses aren't working then (assuming RFC2833 is being used), it's a 1-way audio issue. You can check this by enabling the SIP logging in properties for your SIP line in IVM (Advanced tab) and checking the logs to confirm this.


    Port forwarding will only make an effect on the software if the software's networking wizard failed to find your external/public IP address when you installed or ran it. Since the software will already make use of either uPnP or STUN to resolve networking issues, running port forwarding at the same time may make the behaviour less predictable. So you should only run one or the other, but not both. If you want to keep port forwarding then you should enable the static IP option in the Networking tab of the SIP line properties. If you do this, also remember to keep the Local SIP/RTP and External SIP/RTP ports the same, or else you will get further problems (all these are also configurable in the Networking tab).


    For audio issues we recommend you maintain talks with your VoIP provider in this circumstance because their gateway does a lot of the audio processing and they will normally have some good advice to offer in this area. Some providers say that they primarily support G.729 as a native standard and they have to transcode to other formats when necessary - this is one area where audio degradation can occur. Since G.711 is the only mandatory codec under the SIP standard, a good VoIP provider will support it natively on their gateway.


    Your own Internet bandwidth is the other area where audio issues can occur. We support QoS by default in our software so check to see if your router supports it. Also make note of *both* your upload *and* download bandwidth, as VoIP requires both directions equally. G.711 for example needs up to 64kbps downstream and upstream equally. GSM needs only 8kbps, while G.726 needs 32kbps. If the stream of audio up/down through your router doesn't occur at the same sorts of speeds then this is another big area where audio degradation can occur.


    You can also try a benchmark test of connecting the computer directly into the modem and see if the behaviour is any different (i.e. bypass the router).

  10. we use engin as our primary voip service at the NCH office (use it in Axon i mean) and its working very well for us. did you get the server address correct ? byo.engin.com.au ? codecs have nothing to do with the ability to register a service. why are you using carousel as well ? is it just because you couldn't get it to work in axon or are you also planning to connect real telephone lines into axon too ?


    if your serious about taking our products to your customer base, note that we offer reseller services for customers just like yourself (http://www.nch.com.au/reseller/index.html)

  11. the fundamental issue here isn't about registration times, its networking. what many don't realise is that we honour the registration expiry times returned by the VoIP server, so whatever frequency Axon is using that is what your VoIP service is asking it to do.


    so when people are asking 'how do i change the registration expiry time?', the real question should be 'how do i keep my NAT/router ports open in order to receive registration responses and call requests from the outside world?'


    the answers can get complex (just like networking as a whole), but the suggested ideas are:


    1) run the axon networking wizard and see what it says - it will try the uPnP and STUN lookup options and see if any of them work. if STUN doesn't work it means you have a symmetric router which is the most difficult type to have, and you will have to setup port forwarding on your router (see next option)


    2) port forward all responses coming in to port 5060 on your router to the Axon machine. this will mean that you don't have to worry about router ports closing and any incoming call/registration requests getting blocked. also you can try port forwarding on 8000-8020 in case axon has to relay audio through its machine, but only do it if you are experiencing audio issues - if you aren't then don't worry about it (sometimes it causes extra problems).


    contact me at tj [at] altoedge.com for a test version of the next axon too, i would very much appreciate someone like yourself (an active member in the community) to test out new versions and give feedback on how things are working on your system/networking setup.

  12. the new spa3102 guide isnt up on our site yet, thats still the old spa3000 one. i'm still trying to write the spa3102 one and am still going because the new unit we just got (and some customers have got too) doesn't seem to want to work right. so now i need to figure out whats wrong before i can publish the guide.

  13. yes thats correct, a blank outbound server is the equivalent of specifying the 'use the default server' option.


    if you can register initially but not after a while, its probably a NAT/firewall issue - it just means that Axon is sending out register requests to the server but its not getting anything back. one option is to enable port forwarding to the Axon machine for UDP port 5060 , see if that makes any difference.

  14. good to hear its working better ! your 3102 guide is very nice too ! i do need to clarify/correct a couple of things though:


    >> As your tutorial setup shows, the Axon External Line (FXO Line) is setup with the user ID as "user" and a blank password


    the tutorial doesn't say to make the password blank, it says to make the *server* blank. Step 2 of the NCH guide clarifies this.


    >> For example, the IP address in the Axon External Line "Server" name should be if the FXO (PSTN LINE) SIP port is set to 5072


    if you keep the server blank in Axon you won't have to deal with this issue, let the FXO register with Axon and that way Axon keeps cached the location of the FXO at the time of registration. therefore it will always know where to send data to. this is exactly how i do it and home and it works quite nicely.

  15. yea at this stage i have not got the caller ID thing sussed out yet, I can't figure out how to get the sipura to forward the ID information. but other than that its working nicely for me.


    but yeah like i said i'm going to update the guide, and if you feel it is ok i will incorporate elements of your guide into the NCH guide. who knows, i may find i went through some steps that i thought were obvious but weren't obvious to anyone else, which is why a lot of people are having problems.

  16. while the sip protocol asks for contact ports, the reality is that the majority of voip providers / other vendors don't honour that and just send to the source port instead. the rationale is that whatever software / hardware has sent the packet is going to keep that source port open and will keep a mapping of that port active in its routing table so it knows how to handle any responses. based on our testing this principle works very well. if we relied on sending to the contact port instead, the reality is that many services would simply fail due to NAT routing / firewall issues.


    having said that, we did do quite a lot of testing using a cisco 7940 phone and we had no problems like the ones you described, so i'm thinking that you may need to tweak some configuration in the phone to do a manual override of the sending port. its been a while so i unfortunately cant remember all the details. the phone did work fine for us with axon though ! (in case you dont know, the 7940 is just a 4 line version of the 7960)

  17. one undocumented issue of the spa3102 (that makes it different from the spa3000) is that the sip ports used for the FXO and FXS *MUST* be different or else your FXO port simply will not work. by default those sip ports in the configuration are at 5060 which, if left untouched, will leave your FXO in a 'not working' state. change one of the FXO/FXS ports to 5061 and that should do the trick.


    on the spa3000 you can leave both those values at 5060 and it will work, the spa3102 will not let you get away with doing that.



    i had the exact same issue as you and it took me forever to work this one out ........

  18. the nch guide needs an update, we're addressing that currently.


    your guide is quite good, however your methodology is not the way we intended - while it does work of course, our idea is just a little simpler and is summarised like so: (this is very brief)


    - create an external line in axon with a nominated username/password and blank server field, set it to ring on a nominated group

    - enter those username/password details into the sipura's PSTN section User ID and Password fields

    - set the FXO dialing plan to forward to the line you configured in axon - [username]@[axon ip address]

    - save the changes in the FXO and then wait for the FXO to register with Axon (you will see the log message 'External Line [name] is at : [ip address]:[port])

    - in axon edit your dialing plan and create a new dial rule and set it to use axon's sipura line

    - edit any relevant extensions and set them to use the sipura dial rule


    we deliberately want the sipura device to register with axon, that is definitely not a mistake in our guide, the whole 'let the other device register with axon' design was very carefully thought out and its quite useful once you understand how it works.


    using this method you also won't see any 'Register attempt failed' log messages ever.


    this is how i configured my own sipura box at home and it works great for me.

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