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Everything posted by Wiley

  1. Borate, thanks for your replies. Not to hijack this thread, but I'd like to explain what I'm doing with the software. Basically, I use only three buttons: "play," "next frame," and "take snapshot." I import my Gopro video (these are MP4 files; will I be able to import these when the free version "downgrades"?) and drag it onto the timeline. It appears in the right hand screen, and some buttons appear underneath it. I play the video until its about where I want it, then I pause it and use the "next frame" button to pick the exact frame that I want. I then push the "take snapshot" button, and it saves the picture in my "My Pictures" on my computer as a .png file. Will the free version work well for this, even after it "downgrades." Thanks again!
  2. So, I will not be able to export still images from my Gopro videos? These are png. files. Could you also comment on my other thread about the difference between the Home and Master's editions? Thanks!
  3. I followed this link http://www.nchsoftware.com/videopad/index.html, and, for the first time, I found the link for the "free non-commercial use" downloadable version of Videopad. Is this a real, free version that I get to keep, or is this merely a trial version that expires?
  4. I would like to know what the differences between the "Home" and "Master's" Editions of Videopad are. I have downloaded the free trial version, and I use it to make very nice still photos from videos taken with a Gopro camera. To do this, I drag the video in the video track space, and it appears in the right hand screen. I then use the "next frame" button to select the individual frames I want, and click the "make image" button to make a still photo. So far this has worked very well, but I want to know if the Home version has these buttons, or if they are only on the Masters version. Thanks!
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