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Posts posted by mamboking

  1. I am piling on here.  I use Wavepad on both Windows 10 and Mac OS.   I much prefer the integrated interface on Windows 10. 

    On Mac OS I am often hunting around across my 3 screens on my Mac OS setup for these for separate / disconnected windows: 

    1)  Playback Control window,

    2) File Info Window

    3) Tool Bar windows 

    4) Editing Window 

    These windows often end up buried on a different displays, requiring me to arrange them together on one screen to use the program.    This may not sound like big deal, but when you are jumping between different audio files all the time, this is a real pain - I have to do this EVER TIME.  It does NOT even "remember" where I put them last!   I exit one audio file. and re-open another, I have have to do this all again - big impact to productivity and a pain ! 

    Where can I report this to NHC?   They make terrific / the best audio editing software overall, but this need to be fixed - or make it an option if some like it. 

  2. I'm an evaluation user of Wave Pad, I'm using the 14 day trial to determine it can meet my needs.


    I'm having a problem figuring out how to run the Batch Coverter from the command line. I want to automate the conversion of a bunch of .wav files to .mp3 format. I'm looking to kick off this conversion in the evening from a script that will run on Windows XP. I can accomplish want I want interactively, using the "Batch" button on Wavepad, however I've been unable to automate this using the command line to it can run from a script. I want to be able to point a a directory... having wavepad convert all of the .wav files to .mp3 files in this directory. I want to specify the certain commands (normalize, ect..) and format options (such as bit rates and channels) and specify the output directory.


    Is this a way to do this with Wavepad? I've heard there are other programs such as "Audio Commander" that can accomplsh this, but I would prefer to use Wave Pad since sometimes I have the need to edit the audio files... something Wave pad is great at.


    Is anyone doing this? If you are, can you provide an example of how you scripted it? Thanks!

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