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Everything posted by conkerman

  1. Set the folder view to list the file details. That will tell you the type of file you have. Gaz
  2. Hi all, I have about 100GB of music on my HDD that I have ripped from my CD collection using windows media player 10, unfortunately the (cheap ) network player that I have bought will noly let me use a bitrate of 320kbps for MP3 files. I Downloaded the free version of the software the other night and am amazed by how easy it is to use. The question I have is about keeping the folder structure that WMP10 automatically assigns. I tried to set this through the options tab, but that did not work, all the MP3 files were placed in the music folder with no information If i buy the software will this function work as I cannot find fault with what I entered into the folder/filename info. I just want it to work batchwise. Best Regards Gary
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