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Everything posted by SUM

  1. I have bits where i have cut down the movie and when you play it you can see where it stops and starts.Is there anyway of fixing that so it runs smooth into the next talking part.I did click on the smooth button but it did nothing. Could someone please help me with step by step as this is all new to me.
  2. I have a part on my video of my website.I flimed it from my camera looking at my computer screen and it has lines/shake and i'm not sure how to fix it.I did download deshaker but don't have a clue what to do with it or what to select. Could someone please help me with this it's doing my head in
  3. I need to know what steps i need to take to stop the echo from when i have the voice speaking on the video.Its not heaps bad but you can just notice it as we did the fliming in a tilesd area. I need help with this as i'm just a leaner Thank you
  4. I flimed my video upside down silly me so i turned it around so that it is up the right way but due to doing that i have lost the backgound and now has a small section of her talking and then has black bits on the sides of the flim.How can i make those black bits to Whits and also white behind her body?? The steps to doing it right would be a big help.
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