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  1. I thought of that seeing tutorial of others editors like Sony Vegas, where the spleet screen is calculated in pixels. thanks for ideas and your help. I try to use that method to see how it is working. I think it is better to put the neutral background, or a still picture and overlays the video and pictures, then I can push them around better. Bye, I let you know.
  2. Is that have something to do with the overlay picture size in pixel? Or not. I mean that I have to calculate 1/3 or 1/4 of the screen, in order to fit? Concerning the output, I have only one choice, that is the .avi file (free Videopad. Finally to check the sequences I have to save them first, grrr.
  3. I just read 'son of a gun' topic. I agree with your answer and did exactly like you said, but...My problem is this (not the first time): In the preview mode my picture or video overlays are next to one another, but when I save the video they are partly on top of each other. I did not change the detected resolution before saving it. I change the resolution in the second atempt and made it wide screen, but with the same bad result. Once saved I first play it in Video pad and VLC player, baaaaad. I uploaded anyway, there it is Please help if you can. Thanks
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