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Everything posted by AFigurelli

  1. Apologies if I am posting this in the wrong spot, but after searching the forum for my issue I can't seem to find a better place. I am running Express Scribe v 5.02 Intel on a Macbook Pro (OSX 10.4.11) for file transcription purposes. Every time I open Express Scribe, my Internet connectivity goes out the window. It's not the browser - the issue is occurring whether I try to search the Web through Safari, Firefox or even Opera. Specifically, my bars go from full strength to zero strength, to full strength again. When I try to do a Web search or access a website, the connection time lags at first but eventually stops altogether, and I get the error message that I am "not connected to the Internet." My connection is through Verizon Fios on a wireless router. Verizon is not the issue, either - the connection is absolutely flawless and incredibly quick on this machine, except for when I try to open a browser while Express Scribe happens to be running. Clearly this is a huge problem for a transcriptionist, since I can't access the Internet while transcribing to verify the correct spelling of locations/terminology/etc. and have to spend a huge amount of extra time either waiting for that brief window where my connection works, or going back into the document after the transcription is done and Express Scribe can be closed. Bottom line, I can't keep doing it like this. Is anybody out there experiencing the same issue - better yet, does anybody have a solution? Any information would be GREATLY appreciated.
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