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  1. Here is a work around until NCH releases a patch. I did some comparison between W7 32 bit install and the 64 bit install. Hacking the registry works for W7 64bit. Inside Express Scribe create the FTP connection, but use "anonymous" for logon. Don't bother with the test connection...it will fail. Click OK twice to close the option windows. Please use caution when editing the registry. Do not delete any keys, just modify as necessary. HKCU\Software\NCH Swift Sound\Scribe\Incoming0 CheckInterval 30 (number of minutes as pertains to LoadMode 2 below) Dir <your dictation directory usually "/Dictation" w/o quotes> FTPAnonymous 0 (turns off the anon. logon) FTPSecure 1 (enables FTPES, 0=disables) FTPServer <enter your FTP server IP address> LoadMode 2 (0=manual one at a time, 1=Manual all files, 2=Auto all files) Password <password is in plain text> UserName <username> Once set, the key to keeping your settings is to avoid opening the properties for the incoming connection. NCH will need to fix their program to accept values for the Incoming FTP "User name:" field.
  2. I'm running Windows 7 64bit and having same issue. My connection test is successful, but I see the "invalid user" bubble after I click OK. I've even tried to registry hack the settings, but it doesn't maintain the settings upon opening ExpScribe. Anyone find a fix yet?
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