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Traveling Tek

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Novice (1/7)



  1. I am switching to Fresh Books. It does what I want and I can use it from my EVO phone. http://www.freshbooks.com/?ref=ca4238a0-1
  2. I am currently having the exact same problem. I need to see which invoices are paid and which aren't. I thought that it could do that so I bought it. now I see that support seems to be crap and that it can't do what I need. Anyone know of any other invoice software for mac that might work?
  3. Really wish I had known this before I paid for it. Honestly it looked like great software when I tested the free version. I bought it and now I find that listing invoices that are paid and what has an overdue balance or not is complete crap. I am having a heck of a time when a customer has only paid for part of their invoice, and then they pay the rest of it on another check that also covers a second invoice. Oy what pain.
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