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Posts posted by ilanesh

  1. I have now posted a very long time and till now never received any single answer.

    For what is this forum here? only to leave the poor people without any answer for their problems?

    Again, I have no outgoing sound on expresstalk softphone, the free version, but I have incomming sound, on Linux, so at least someone could answer here, this is a very bad way to not recognize other people needs!!! :angry:

  2. I use ExpressTalk with Linux under Wine, all is ok, it is ringing, I have outgoing sound, but no incomming sound. I forwardet the ports on my router, but still no incomming sound.

    On windows xp it works now with outgoing and incomming sound, I have the same configurations on Linux on expresstalk and router, cause it is the same laptop but just no incomming sound. I tried it with all configurations i could think of, nothing helps.


    com on people, this can not be that noone answers to the problems here, really!!!!

  3. I use ExpressTalk with Linux under Wine, all is ok, it is ringing, I have outgoing sound, but no incomming sound. I forwardet the ports on my router, but still no incomming sound.

    On windows xp it works now with outgoing and incomming sound, I have the same configurations on Linux on expresstalk and router, cause it is the same laptop but just no incomming sound. I tried it with all configurations i could think of, nothing helps.

  4. I'm testing out Express Talk with Axon and using it as a PBX in our office, if I change the Port from 8000 on one of the computers will I have to change them all?


    Ashley Gale

    Wide Span Sheds


    I have the same problem, only skype works wonderful on Linux and on Windows, why I can`t hear anything, but they hear me good? Help.

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