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Posts posted by B4rry

  1. Yes, First the SAVE_AS window opens, from which I can selct the file type (I select .mp3), then the MP3 Encoder Settins window opens from which I can select bitrate etc. WHen I press OK the saving window shows the prorgress of the file saving. It's only when I Open the file that it gives the error.


    Also - I've just noticed that when I use the SAVE_AS dialogue window ... it displays the original file name... I then change the file_type to '.mp3', but (unlike other applications) it still displays the original file suffice in the SAVE_AS file name. Anyway ... I press OK, but when I come to (re)open the file it has saved in NOT in the folder I selected, but in the MY_COMPUTER!! folder

  2. Hi, I have recorded successfully, but when I chose SAVE_AS and select mp3 it doesnt actually save the files in mp3 format (or at least when I try to open the new file, that's what your s'ware says.


    I've tried SWITCH and that does it OK. Is this what i'm supposed to use?


    Thanks ... Barry

  3. .added, nor do the tags come though when I stream the mp3  file from the host.



    I think we have found a bug(ette). I've just noticed that if you use

    FILE>>SAVEAS it doesnt save the tags, but if you use

    FILE>>SAVE it does.


    Work around is therefore to use File-SaveAs (& give it the new file parameters,

    Then repeat with File-Save

  4. I have just loaded the latest version  3.02 and have the same problem.


    ie when I save the file (as new) and look at the folder I saved it in, the ID3 tags don't get display in the appropriate columns?


    .added, nor do the tags come though when I stream the mp3 file from the host.

  5. I have just loaded the latest version 3.02 and have the same problem.


    ie when I save the file (as new) and look at the folder I saved it in, the ID3 tags don't get display in the appropriate columns?

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