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Posts posted by cateddy

  1. Didn't really want to reply to my own topic but I had the information on the top of the topic wrong. It should have say " I didn't get the software CD or the manual". Sorry about that. Chuck :unsure:

  2. I bought the key for the software and I also bought the manual and CD. I used paypal to send the payment. I have tried to send email letters to every email address I could find. In the first place the email said that it could be up to 21 days before I could get the software CD and the manual. It has been over 3 months and still no answer. They did say that if I bought the support plan, that I might get an answer. I don't feel that I should have to buy a support plan just to get something that I paid for. If needed, I could paste the invoice into this forum. Any help on this would be appreciated Chuck.

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