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Everything posted by oldhag

  1. I tried a new install, but the same problem happened again. I have uninstalled Soundtap altogether for now, and the problem is gone - at least you told me which of the programs caused it - thanks!
  2. My machine runs on vista, and there seems to be a conflict between it and one element in the NCH-programs. 'Windows detected a new device attached to your computer, but could not find the driver software it needs to make the device usable. Each device manufacturer typically includes driver software of a CD that comes with the device, or as a download from its website. The hardware ID of your device is *nchssvad.' The result is that windows is constantly trying to find and install a driver for 'an unknown device'. Problem signature Problem Event Name: PnPDriverNotFound Architecture: x86 Hardware Id: *nchssvad OS Version: 6.0.6001. Locale ID: 1044 The NCH-programs - I have several, and don't know which of them has this 'nchssvad'-thing built in, but my impression is it is several - are generally running just fine, but this endless search-and-fail mission by Windows is at best very irritating, and at worst slows everything down. I don't know what this means, and I have no idea what to do about it. Plus, I figured you good people over there at NCH might need to know about it, if it is a system conflict between Vista and your programs.
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