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Everything posted by jeg0522

  1. Thanks! I tried the e-mail above to contact you regarding ES 4.11. Is there any other way you know of to obtain version 4.11? Also, are you using Wine + ES 4.11 or ES 4.11 native?
  2. Wow, this thread took off. I've not yet tested it under 9.04 (I gave up and just decided to just use inqScribe under my much less convenient Windows PC), but it looks like I'll likely run into the same problem. So if I'm reading correctly, sounds like I should be looking for the wine installation of an older version in order to get it to work correctly? I'm hesitant to go with the wine installation if it disables foot pedal use, but I haven't purchased a foot pedal yet so it might work for me anyways.
  3. Anyone else having this issue? I'll test this on another Ubuntu 8.10 machine tonight to see if it's an issue specific to my Acer Aspire One.
  4. Angela, I'm having a similar problem on Ubuntu 8.10 on an Acer Aspire One. I'm using the Debian installation, not via wine. Anytime I try to rewind, fast forward, stop/play, it actually fast-forwards the tape an uncertain amount. One one tape (approximately 11 minutes) it was fast-forwarding 20 seconds. On a different tape, it was more than 40-60 seconds per forward. I really want to use my netbook for transcription, but until I get this fixed, I'm stuck with my less portable (yet sufficient, I guess) 15.4" laptop. Anyone have any help?
  5. Hello! I just yesterday installed Express Scribe under Ubuntu 8.10 (Linux install, not via wine). I'm having trouble with hotkeys so far. In other transcription programs, I currently use: \ for Skip back X seconds Ctrl+\ for Pause/play I tried to set up \ for "Back 5s", but during playback it actually steps forward approximately 20 seconds anytime I use that hotkey. So I switched it to F12. Same result. Other hotkeys behave erratically as well. I also didn't notice a pause/play hotkey, only separate hotkeys for stop and play. Any ideas? Ultimately I plan to get a foot pedal, but until I get some paid gigs behind me, I'm stuck using keyboard hotkeys. Thanks in advance for any assistance. J.
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