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Novice (1/7)



  1. FOR CLARIFICATION PLEASE: Does the Recording Time -- the absolute ("real") time of the recording -- is that the time that would be equivalent to the time-code from the source or is that just the time that the recording was made into the mp3 file for transfer to Express Scribe? Thank you so much for your help!
  2. Could someone please clarify for me what the recording option timecode feature is in ES? I know that the audio timecode is not the true timecode on the audio file. But when you switch over to the recording timecode, does that mean it's going to match up with the actual timecode on the file -- i.e. is my client going to be able to match up what I transcribe with where that particular soundbite is on his film/DVD/tape, whatever? Also, if that doesn't work in ES, can anyone suggest a transcription program where I can play an mp3 file with two channels, the first for audio and the second with a timecode signal? Thanks so much! EP
  3. Hope someone can help me with this problem. I use two computers when transcribing because of software compatibility problems -- anyway, I have a request to insert a time-code on a transcript from a new client. BUT my problem is my ES is on one computer and I'm typing on another one (which I cannot load ES on to). So my question is can I see the actual time-code stamp that ES uses so I can then transcribe the actual time-code onto my other document for my client? In other words, my mp3 file in ES will be on two channels, one the audio, one the time-code. But I need to be able to see the actual time-code imprint in order to type it into my actual document on my other machine. Can anybody help me with this???? Thanks so much! EP
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