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Posts posted by audiofool

  1. You dont need a pre amp and amplifier.

    Some Turntables come with a builtin pre amp - dont need 2 amps!

    If Turntable has no pre amp then yes you will need to go through an amplifier.

    Try running the turntable from the same electrical outlet as the computer ( to give common earth)

    Do not run power cables parallel or near the RCA cables.

    Move the Turntable away from computer, short cables are not always the answer, I run 2m cables with no problem.

    Ensure other electrical units are not close by or at least turn the off. Printers / scanners etc should be off.


    Thanks for the reply.

    I need a pre-amp because my newer A/V reciever doesn't have phono inputs. My table doesn't have a pre-amp.

    Golden Records claims you can go direct from turntable to computer, but magnetic cartridges have different voltage outputs. Mine unfortunately isn't high enough to trigger the program.

    I will try moving all cables away from the turntable and see if that helps.

    Thanks Again !

  2. As most of us know, Golden Records doesn't pick up certain turntables without a pre-amp. I purchased a small pre-amp with high hopes of continuing the project. I now have a noticeble hum. Very annoying. Here's the info.

    Turntable has RCA cables to pre-amp 15" length. RCA cables from pre-amp to amplifier 18" length. Turntable is grounded to pre-amp per instructions. Grounding to electrical conduit has no effect.

    I'm aware that the shorter the cables, the less hum will be noticed.

    Any ideas? Would buying high end RCA cables help? The turntable is not near any power transformers.

    Thank Guys !!

  3. Carl:


    I had problems with crashes right from the "get-go". I upgraded to the latest update, 2.13 I think, but the problem persists. Nonetheless, because you simply relaunch the application and don't seem to "lose" anything, it is more of a nuisance. I am optimistic that NCH will find the fix and that it will be related to some Vista issue. Have a great day.





    Hello Phil,

    You seem to be the GR guru. Thanks so much for your experiences.

    Just wanted to say where Vista and GR are. Basically at opposite ends of the world. Guess we can't blame NCH. Only with the fact that they haven't propsed a fix ! I spent weeks of aggravation working with GR on my brand new HP desktop w/ Vista. For whatever reason, I thought I would try the program on an old laptop running XP. Guess you know the next statement. No more dropouts, no more "unknown exception", no more crashes.


  4. I haven't had exactly your problem - I can delete the files from within Golden Records, but you should know that Vista, if you are using it, can exhibit some strange behaviour because of where GR stores its files (C:\Users\Name\AppData\Roaming\NCH Swift Sound\Golden) ... I think that is the correct path, but I might have left something out - GR is on my laptop and it isn't here right now. The other thing that I have experienced is that GR places files in a second folder - in my case my "Music" folder and in my case, it does not delete those files. I use xplorer2 pro to get at the files and remove them - Windows Explorer should work as well, but it might not like the primary location. You could try deleting the files manually from both locations. Also, check that you are using the latest version of GR - Under "Help", click "Check for New Version." Be advised though that you might have to pay for the upgrade. Hope this helps. Have a great day.




    Thanks for the reply Phil,

    When I have a chance, I'll try your options.

    It does seem that files are being stored somewhere else and therefore not allowing me to delete.

    Thanks again,


  5. Has anyone run into this problem ?

    After I'm done making a CD, I'll try to delete the files by highlighting the selections then going to the file icon and clicking on remove files. It clears the screen temporarily, but it comes back even if you shut down the program. My selections now show "untitled 167". I would certainly think that after deleting the files, you would start out again at "untitled #1".


  6. Relating to the "free" software download. There is a distinct pop at the end/beginning of each song recorded from an album. Example: Song one ends - pause - song two starts and then there is a "pop"


    If I purchase the software will this be deleted from the program, or do I have a setting wrong?




    Hello DanLHen,

    That pop you hear can be toggled on or off by the software. It doesn't show up on the final product. Dig around a little on the menus and screens. I'm sure it's there to notify you if the program stops recording. Kind of a monitor tone.

  7. I am not an expert on audio electronics, but from the little I think I know, Phono input jacks and the electronics to process a phono signal is different from that of other inputs (CD, Tape, etc.). I think you will need to try and get an old used (or a new) receiver with phono jacks if you are going to get an adequate signal to trigger Golden Records. Have a great day.




    Thanks for the update Phil,

    I recently purchased a small pre-amp online and now I'm at least getting some decent volume readings. The more I dig into this, the more knowledgable I become. The pre-amp if "I am not mistaken", only takes magnetic cartridge voltage ( 5.0 mv), and boosts it up to line level. I don't think there is any other tone adjustments involved. So basically I'm saying that a new reciever with phono inputs isn't really necessary. I bought the pre-amp for $19.99.

    Thanks again,


  8. It is known that all turntables do not put as strong or as normalized a signal as processing from a pre-amp or amp/receiver. Not all turntables are created equal. I have had great results connecting my turntable to my receiver/amp and feeding the output from the Tape Out jacks of the receiver into the converter unit I use: a Behringer UCA202. Hope this helps. Have a great day.




    Thanks for the reply Phil,

    It's very possible the turntable just doesn't have the DB's to trigger the Software recording. I have also tried to run it through my Pioneer A/V Reciever but realized, it doesn't have any phono inputs !! Bummer. Do you know if there's any inputs that would work ? It's got all the usual other than phono. Tape, DVD, Laser Disc, etc.

  9. I have recorded semi-successfully with a record player using the line out audio jacks. Trying to get the best out of my LP's, I borrowed a friends high-end stand alone turntable. Obviously no pre-amp involved. Worked perfect at friends house. I changed the settings on GR to "direct from turntable" and also the equalization setting on playback. I get almost no volume on the green bars. Played with most recording volume controls I could find. Decibels aren't enough to trigger recording. Program shuts down saying "no audible". It seems the software isn't changing to the "direct from turntable" option.

    Anyone else have this problem??


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