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Everything posted by mavgeek

  1. I ran into a problem with my Axon installation. I extracted the tar.gz file with no problem. The setup immediately started and said everything installed fine and the ports opened successfully. After installation it told me I may need to tweak my audio settings manually and asked if I wanted to open the web interface. I said yes and that's when everything went wrong. The program froze. I had to kill the process and ever since then I've been unable to get it to do anything. Clicking on the desktop icon or program link results in no action at all. I tried reinstalling it but it only goes as far as asking me to agree to the license and then the window closes. The second installation terminal never opens up. I know it's installed because when I restart the computer it says Axon is initializing. So....how can I get to the web interface to set up the program if the icon won't work? I installed the Axon for Linux on Ubuntu 8.10. Thanks in advance for your help.
  2. Oops.....put this in the wrong section. Sorry about that.
  3. I ran into a problem with my Axon installation. I extracted the tar.gz file with no problem. The setup immediately started and said everything installed fine and the ports opened successfully. After installation it told me I may need to tweak my audio settings manually and asked if I wanted to open the web interface. I said yes and that's when everything went wrong. The program froze. I had to kill the process and ever since then I've been unable to get it to do anything. Clicking on the desktop icon or program link results in no action at all. I tried reinstalling it but it only goes as far as asking me to agree to the license and then the window closes. The second installation terminal never opens up. I know it's installed because when I restart the computer it says Axon is initializing. So....how can I get to the web interface to set up the program if the icon won't work? I installed the Axon for Linux on Ubuntu 8.10. Thanks in advance for your help.
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