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Posts posted by jazzboy

  1. Yes, I am the dreaded newbie with just enough knowledge to be dangerous.

    1. I would like to use IVM for an autodialer campaign. Couple of questions:
    2. Is Using Skype as my VOIP OK?
    3. If yes, how does IVM "hook" up with Skype?
    4. Does bandwith (cable) limit number of outgoing simultaneous calls?
    5. Using VOIP do I still need a special Voice modem?
    6. Can I load an excel spreadsheet for numbers or only comma delimited?
    7. As the campaign begins do I hear the dialtone/connection on my headset?


    Which software do I then add to allow listener to click a number to be transferred to live agent or click to go to VM box?


    Thank you so much in advance for your help!!

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