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Peter Moss

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Everything posted by Peter Moss

  1. First experience with Express Burn. I followed all the instructions carefully. I added my files, selected 'burn'. Then chose my write speed, did not choose overburning. As the default pause between tracks is stated at 2 seconds and I wanted a bit longer, I chose 6 seconds. Therefore I selected "Burn Session At Once to Customize Pause", and selected 6 seconds. Put my CD-R in. It burns fine. I take out the CD, and play it back to listen. This is what happened: Each song seems to have 6 seconds added to it, so that the track break starts 6 seconds previous to each song. For example, if I click ahead to start track 2, the last 6 seconds of song 1 are still playing, while the timer continues. So instead of the timer at song 2 starting at zero seconds and proceeding, song 2 actually doesn't come in until somewhere around the 12-15 second mark on the timer. This is a procession that builds up and continues throughout the whole CD so that the last song on the playlist doesn't actually begin until around the 60 second mark on the timer, because the last 60 seconds of the previous song are playing out. What really pees me off is that the last song is then CUT OFF 60 seconds from the end of the song! (of a 10 song CD). The pause between each track was six seconds, but it seems the total time of the playlist remained the same. Therefore when I added 6 seconds between each track, it simply took those accumulated 6 seconds off at the end. What gives? It's not the CD, nor the player (I've tried various players, including my computer). You can't choose any track except the first one to actually start playing from the beginning. Clicking to listen to track 7, for example, ends up starting at a point roughly 40 seconds from the end of track 6. Anyone else have this problem? Have I done something wrong? My set up: Windows XP, Optical Drive: LG GCC-4520B
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