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Everything posted by rgcleaveland

  1. That version worked, thank you. How I managed to get the old version when I bought it I have no idea.
  2. I'm using Debut professional 2.25 with Windows 10 and a wired cursor. When I go to options and set the cursor to either show or highlight, the setting returns to hide as soon as I exit the options window. Recordings, consequently, don't show the cursor. Amazing that this seems to be the opposite of most postings I have seen about the cursor visibility!
  3. I select a clip, set an in and out spot, drop it down into the sequence. Then I select another in/out set and want to add that to the sequence. But the green down-arrow is dimmed, and won't let me get the new section into the sequence. In short, i want to extract several different parts of a single file to make a new file of the selections. What am I missing?
  4. The fie is compressed with H.264 These files have been processed satisfactorily for some time - it's just this one which fails. I know NCH has done an extensive revision of Videopad, I suspect something was broken. The time between my posting and any response was so long that I figured it was a lost cause and hence I deleted the file from the site.
  5. I have many times opened .f4v files in VideoPad but this most recent one won't open. I CAN view the file using VLC. VideoPad takes considerable time trying to load the file. It's a long one - about a 3-hour town meeting, although others I have processed have even been longer. I need to convert it to flv and wmv (for later edit with WavePad to extract the sound and store as mp3). I have copied the file and had the same results on the copy. Since I can read it fine using VLC I conclude that there's something wrong at the very end. The person recording it - using Adobe media recorder - may have shut the recording process down wrong somehow - although I can't imagine how unless he closed the program without stopping the recording/streaming. I have tried re-recording with various means (CamStudio, Adobe) but haven't been able to get a good combination of video and sound. The only success, if you'd call it that - is using a camera on the screen and a microphone on the speakers! I'd sure like to know of a way to get WavePad to accept the file or to copy the file. If anyone wants to look at the file and monkey with it it's at http://deweytown.us/TownMeeting_20121013.f4v
  6. I now have Slice and it's great. But I'd like it - or something like it - combined with some automatic process to actually write the disks. My users need simplicity.
  7. I have long mp3 recordings of town meetings - averaging about 3 hours each. The objective is to create a series of audio cd's so that interested people can listen to the proceedings on their players - sometimes while traveling. The current process is to manually split the files (WavePad) into segments small enough to fit on a cd, then, using Windows Media Player, burn the cd's individually. It sure would be nice if there was an automated way to accomplish this without all the time-consuming manual steps. Suggestions? Dick
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