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Everything posted by Applecat

  1. Applecat


    Well - this one has got me (if at all it's possible): is it possible to listen live while recording e.g. I am recording on 3 mics hidden around the house. They are recording 24/7 to a large HD (hard disc). While I can see there is an NCH option for remote listening and streaming to the web ect ect ... and that is all very clear & understood, what I can;t work out is how to listen live to what is been recorded. Is there a way to indiviualy select and listen to each of the microphones as they record? Thanx guys
  2. Applecat

    Password - help

    Okay guys - sorted it out: as suspected I jumped the gun and wasn;t payinbg attention.
  3. Applecat

    Password - help

    Hi Guys I'm probably missing something but after jumping through god only knows how many hurdles to get VRS up and running, I am suddenly presented with a little window that asks me for a password? PASSWORD - what password?????? - nothing in the reg details or any other part of the activation process ever asked me to enter a password. This PASSWORD window pops up when you select a Channel and right click on Channel Properties. Can someone explain to me please just what purpose this serves, how do I change it, when/where in the whole process was it activated (because I certainly don't recall getting/asking for a password related to this - how do I deal with this?? .... and to NCH - from what others have said about the Password - i think it could be made a little clearer from the start. Thanx folks Applecat
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